This online book has three aims:
- to provide a brief discussion of the main events in Jesus' life
- to show who Jesus is
- to explain what Jesus came to do.
It has 12 parts, and each part contains a series of articles. The events in each part are in date order, approximately.
You can use this book:
- for personal study
- to lead a church Bible study
- in a group Bible study
- or in a Bible College course.
The Birth of a Saviour
- Israel in the time of Christ
- What the Prophets wrote about a Saviour
- An Angel Comes to Zechariah
- An angel comes to Mary
- Zechariah's song
- The childhood of John the Baptist
- The birth of Jesus
- Jesus is Humble
John the Baptist and Jesus Begin Their Work
- John the Baptist begins his ministry in the desert
- The preaching of John the Baptist
- John the Baptist's message of trouble
- John the Baptist baptises Jesus
- The Devil tries to make Jesus do wrong things
- Jesus' purpose when he fasted for 40 days
- The Devil tests Jesus for the first time
- The Devil tests Jesus for second time
- The Devil Tests Jesus for The Third Time
- Jesus Begins His Special Work for God
- Confusion About The Kingdom
People Who Met Jesus During His Early Work for God
- Jesus attacks men who cheat in the Temple
- Nicodemus Visits Jesus at Night
- The most important part of the good news about Jesus
- The woman at the well in Samaria
- Jesus Cures The Son of a Royal Official
- Jesus helped all kinds of people
- Jesus the extraordinary teacher
- Sermon on the Mount
- Poor in spirit - Jesus in Sermon on Mount
- God blesses you when you are sad. He will comfort you.
- Jesus blesses humble people
- A desire for goodness - Jesus in Sermon on Mount
- Jesus Teaches About The Need to Forgive
- Jesus speaks about the pure in heart
- God Blesses You When You Help Other People to Live at Peace
- Beatitudes – Other People Oppose You
- Jesus Teaches Us More
- Parable of The Sower
- Parable of The Weeds in The Field
- Parable of The Net
- Treasure in a field and pearl parables
- The Kingdom of God
Jesus Tells People The Good News And Cures People in Galilee
- Jesus Appoints The 12 Apostles
- Jesus gives life to a dead man
- Jesus stops a storm on Lake Galilee
- Jesus visits Gadara
- Jesus and Jairus's Daughter
- The Pharisees Oppose Jesus
- Jesus Cures A Man On The Sabbath Day
- Herod and John the Baptist
- People Must Repent; God Wants To Forgive
- Jesus's Appeal to us – Reactions To Jesus
Who Is Jesus?
- Jesus feeds 5000 people
- Jesus, The bread of life
- The Pharisees say that Jesus' miracles are from Satan
- What Peter said at Caesarea Philippi
- Transfiguration: The disciples see Jesus as he is in heaven
- Kingdom of God; how to follow Christ
Some Visits to Jerusalem
- Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles; Jewish pilgrim festivals
- The last opportunity to trust Jesus
- A message for people who need a drink
- The things that we need from God
- Jesus teaches about himself
- Jesus cures a man who was blind from birth
- Lessons from a miracle – the man born blind
- The man born blind – men oppose Jesus
- Jesus the light of the world
- Jesus gives life back to Lazarus
Jesus' last journey to Jerusalem
- Jesus travels to Jerusalem
- Jesus speaks about divorce
- Jesus and children
- Jesus and the rich young ruler
- Parables: lost sheep, lost coin, lost son (prodigal)
- The request of James and John to sit beside Jesus
- Jesus cures blind Bartimaeus
Jesus' Last Week in Jerusalem
- Jesus enters Jerusalem like a king
- Jesus shows his authority in the Temple
- The fig tree
- Who gave you this authority? - Jewish rulers ask Jesus
- Parables of Jesus in Matthew 21-22
- Should the Jews pay taxes to Caesar?
- Marriage in the resurrection – Sadducees ask Jesus
- The Most Important Command
- Jesus asks a question
- Jesus accuses the Pharisees and Scribes
- Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem
- Second coming of Christ and Last Judgement
Jesus's Arrest And Appearance at Court
- Jesus' Problems with The Jewish Rulers
- Jesus's Problem With The Crowds
- Jesus' Problems With His Disciples
- Jesus' Enemies Decide to Kill Him
- Mary Pours Oil on Jesus at Bethany
- Judas Agrees to Help arrest Jesus
- The Last Supper
- Jesus in The Garden Called Gethsemane
- Jesus in the High Priest's court
- Jesus in Pilate's court
- The soldiers beat Jesus on the way to the cross
- Prophecies about Jesus, the Messiah
- Why Jesus came to this world
The Crucifixion of Jesus
- From Pilate's Judgement to the Cross of Christ
- Jesus on the cross
- Darkness at The Crucifixion of Jesus
- What Happened When Jesus Died? The Curtain And The Earthquake
- Our response to Jesus' crucifixion