The Life of Jesus Christ

This online book has three aims:

  • to provide a brief discussion of the main events in Jesus' life
  • to show who Jesus is
  • to explain what Jesus came to do.

It has 12 parts, and each part contains a series of articles. The events in each part are in date order, approximately.

You can use this book:

  • for personal study
  • to lead a church Bible study
  • in a group Bible study
  • or in a Bible College course.

The Birth of a Saviour

John the Baptist and Jesus Begin Their Work

People Who Met Jesus During His Early Work for God

Jesus Tells People The Good News And Cures People in Galilee

Who Is Jesus?

Some Visits to Jerusalem

Jesus' last journey to Jerusalem

Jesus' Last Week in Jerusalem

Jesus's Arrest And Appearance at Court

The Crucifixion of Jesus

Jesus Lives Again And Returns To God