Jesus commands us all to teach his good news

Jesus commands us all to teach his good news

Jesus' message is for everybody from every nation. Jesus died to suffer the punishment for our sins. God caused Jesus to become alive again. Now, Jesus rules in heaven. In the future, he will return to this world. Then, he will have great honour and power. He will judge every person.

So, each person must trust God now. Each person must confess their sins to God. And each person must invite God into their life. God will forgive all the people who trust in him. Then, they will belong to his kingdom. They will be God's own people. This is God's good news for everyone.

Jesus had tried to tell the disciples how important this was. They must do everything that they could, to spread the good news. Matthew, Mark and Luke all record his command to speak about him everywhere:

18 Jesus went near to them and he said to them, ‘God has given me authority over everyone and everything. I have all authority in heaven and in this world. 19 So you must go to people in every country of the world. Teach them how to become my disciples. Baptize them by the authority of God the Father, his Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach them to obey everything that I have taught you. You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will be with you until the end of time.’

Matthew 28:18-20 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)

This command is for all of us. It was not only for some special people. One day, we will be with Jesus. He will ask about what we have done for him. Today the task is still going on. Some Christians must travel far to teach God's good news to other people. Other Christians tell their neighbours about God's message. But no Christian should be silent. No Christian should refuse to speak about Jesus. Jesus‘ command is for each person here today. The need is as great as ever.

Read: Luke 24, John 20 and 21, Acts 1:1-11