EasyEnglish Bible An easy Bible to read and understand in modern English. Ideal for people who are learning English or speak English as a foreign language.
30 Days with Jesus 30 readings from the EasyEnglish Bible (EASY) that will help you understand what Jesus said and did – and how he can change your life for ever!
Following Jesus This is a short course for new Christians or for people who are not sure whether they... read more
The First Easter and Afterwards A collection of stories from the Bible about Good Friday, Easter and Pentecost
Hosea – The Man Who Never Stopped Loving Hosea wrote in the middle of the eighth century BC (Before Christ). He gave most of his messages to Israel, the country in the north.
Joel – The Day of the Lord Joel tells us his father's name, but he says nothing about himself. Some students think that he wrote his book about 850 years before the birth of Jesus.
Amos – The Man with a Difficult Message Amos came from Tekoa, about 12 miles south of Jerusalem. He was a shepherd and he looked after fig trees.