What Happened When Jesus Died? The Curtain And The Earthquake
The Curtain – The Whole Earth Shakes
Three O'clock
Jesus died at 3.00 p.m. (3 O'clock in the afternoon).
This was the very time that the Jews killed the Passover Lamb in the temple.
The temple was the special building in Jerusalem where the Jews met to give honour to God. The Passover Lamb was a young sheep. The Jews killed the lamb to remember that God had rescued their people. They had been slaves in Egypt. But God freed them. And God saved them from death.
This time is also important to us. Jesus is like our Passover Lamb, because he died for us.
Also, at the same moment, the curtain of the Temple tore. It tore from its top, down to the ground. This curtain protected the most important part of the Temple (Matthew 27:51). This shows us that we can now be close to God. God loves us like a father does. We can now be his children. Jesus made this possible. When Jesus died, he paid for our
Also at this moment, the whole earth shook. Many ancient
The way that Jesus behaved in court and on the