The Road To Damascus: Paul Becomes a Christian
1 – Introduction
Probably one of the most important events in the early church was when Paul became a Christian. When we first read about him, his name was Saul. Later, Saul’s name was Paul. He was Jewish, and he was a Pharisee. Pharisees were Jews who thought that they obeyed all of God’s commands. They thought that they were always right. They were very proud men. They did not like what Jesus said. But after Paul became a Christian, he did not think like a Pharisee. He became famous because he told people about Jesus.
Paul became a Christian not long after Jesus came back to life. However, it was many years later that he began to tell people about Jesus. We are now going to study three things. We describe Paul. We see how God spoke to him. We see how Paul changed completely.
2 – Paul, His Early Life, The Man He Was
A Roman citizen from birth
Paul was born in Tarsus in Cilicia. Cilicia is part of what is now Turkey. Most people in the Roman empire in those days were slaves. Paul’s family must have been important people. His father had somehow become a Roman citizen. Perhaps he paid money for this, which would have been very expensive. As a result, Paul was born as a Roman citizen. Not many people were born as Roman citizens. Paul was very unusual. When men arrested Paul in Jerusalem, people talked about this. That shows us how important it was, to be a Roman citizen.
24 The leader of the soldiers said to his men, ‘Take this man into our building. Then hit him with whips. We must find out what he has done. He must tell us why the Jews are shouting so loudly against him.’
22:24The soldiers would hit a person so that he would give them a true answer. A whip was a stick with long pieces of strong material fixed at one end.
25 So the soldiers tied Paul's arms and they were ready to hit him. But Paul spoke to the soldiers' officer who stood near to him. He said, ‘I am a citizen of Rome. So it is not right for you to hit me like that. No judge has agreed that I have done anything wrong.’
26 The officer heard what Paul said. So he went to the leader of the soldiers and he said, ‘That man is a citizen of Rome! Be careful what you do to him!’
27 So the soldiers' leader went to speak to Paul. He asked him, ‘Tell me. Are you really a citizen of Rome?’
Paul answered, ‘Yes, I am.’
28 The soldiers' leader said, ‘I paid a lot of money to the government so that I could become a citizen of Rome.’
Paul replied, ‘But I was already a citizen of Rome when I was born.’
Acts 22:24-28 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
Sometimes it was very useful to Paul, that he was a Roman citizen.
NOTE: It is useful to study when Paul used his rights as a Roman citizen. It is also useful to study when he did not use those rights. See the note about this at the end of this chapter.
A well known professor educated Paul in Jerusalem
Paul was born in Cilicia. He knew how the Greeks thought. He knew how the Greeks lived. He also knew how the Hebrews ( Jews) lived. Today, we know how important it is for missionaries to know other people’s civilisation. When people prepare to be missionaries, they often spend a lot of time learning about this. They have to live in different civilisations. They have to understand the Bible. They have to understand their own civilisation. These are two separate things.
Here we see how God prepared Paul. Paul was to speak about Jesus to people who were not Jews. It was very useful that an important Pharisee taught Paul. After Paul became a Christian, the Pharisees were always his enemies. They did not like what Jesus said. Now they did not like what Paul said. God had made sure that Paul understood their opinions. This was very useful. In one of his speeches, after men had arrested him in Jerusalem, he said this:
3 You yourself know all about the Jews. You know about how we live. You also know the things that we argue about with each other. So please be patient and listen to me.
Acts 26:3 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
Paul grew up as a very strict Pharisee
Clearly, Paul grew up as a strict Pharisee. In his family, children would have learned to repeat large sections of the Old Testament. His father would have taught him to keep all the ‘traditions of the elders’.
[These traditions were a set of rules for daily living. The Pharisees had to obey them. The Pharisees wrote the rules, so that people could obey the Law. Jesus spoke out against these traditions.]
4 The Jewish people have known me since I was born. They all know how I have lived among them. They knew me in the region where I was born. When I came to Jerusalem, they also know how I lived there. 5 So they have known me for a long time. They could tell you that I always obeyed our Jewish laws. They know that I was a Pharisee. I carefully obeyed God's Law, as a Pharisee does. But maybe they do not want to tell you all that.
Acts 26:4-5 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
Paul’s knowledge about the Old Testament was of great value to him when he was a missionary. Before he became a Christian, he had a good knowledge about the Old Testament. He respected it very much, but he did not completely understand it. Then he met Jesus, who was alive after death. The Holy Spirit helped him to understand the Old Testament. After that, he did not think that the Old Testament was only a book of rules. He loved it.
Paul was loyal to his Jewish religion
As a young man, Paul was loyal to religion. He obeyed many rules, which were part of his religion. Even in his youth, people thought that he was a great man. The following verses make this clear.
4 For myself, I could have trusted those human ideas. Perhaps somebody may think that they could trust in those things to save them. Then I would have an even better reason to trust in them. 5 I belong to Israel's people, to Benjamin's tribe. I am a true Jew. They circumcised me when I was eight days old. I was a Pharisee, and I obeyed the Jewish rules very carefully. 6 I tried very much to please God. So I caused a lot of trouble and pain for the Christians. I obeyed the rules of God's Law, and nobody could say that I did anything wrong.
7 All those ideas seemed very important to me then. But now they are worth nothing to me, because I trust in Christ. 8 Yes, now that I know Christ Jesus as my Lord, that is the most valuable thing. Nothing else is important at all. I have thrown everything else away, so that I can serve Christ. All those other things are like dirt to me. I think about them like that, so that I can have Christ. 9 I want to be united with him. Because I believe in Christ, God accepts me as right with him. I know that I cannot become right in any other way, even if I obey all of God's Law. When I trust in Christ, God accepts me as right because of my faith.
10 Yes, I want to know Christ better and better. I want to know the power which God showed when Christ rose from death. I want to have the same kind of troubles that he did. I want to obey God like he did in his death.
Philippians 3:4-10 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
Paul here shows how proud he was. This is the kind of man that he was. Then he became a Christian. Pride is one of the worst sins. Pride caused Satan to go wrong. Paul was convinced that his holy duties made him seem good to God. On the road to Damascus, he found out how wrong he was!
Paul was a very intelligent man
It is also clear from the Bible that Paul was a very intelligent man. Some people have said that Paul had one of the best minds of all time. But that does not mean that he was a good man. A person is not always nice because he is very intelligent! The Bible says that it is better to be wise than to be clever. Wisdom shows itself by what a person does with his intelligence. But spiritual wisdom comes through the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit shows us what God wants. Then he helps a person to understand what God wants. He helps that person to obey God. In chapter 5 of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he contrasts not foolishness and intelligence but foolishness and wisdom. Wisdom means that you understand what God wants. Paul says, ‘Be very careful, then, how you live. Do not be foolish, but be wise. Take every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish. Understand what God’s will is’ (Ephesians 5:15-17).
Paul strongly opposed Christians
Paul had letters from the most powerful leaders of the Jewish faith. The letters gave him authority to search for Christians. He had authority to put them in prison. Fierce feelings filled him. The Bible says that he wanted to murder Christians. These are some of the things that Paul did:
3 ‘I am a Jew. I was born in Tarsus in the region of Cilicia. I lived here in Jerusalem when I was a boy. I studied God's Law for many years and Gamaliel was my teacher. I learned very well how to obey the laws of our ancestors. I tried to obey God as carefully as all of you do today.
22:3Gamaliel was a Pharisee. He taught Jewish boys and young men about God's Law. He was a very good teacher.
4 I caused great trouble to the disciples of Jesus. I even wanted to kill them. I took hold of them and I put them in prison. I did that to both men and women.
Acts 22:3-4 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
20 I myself was there when the people killed Stephen. He was your servant who told people your message. But I agreed that it was right to kill him. I even held the coats of the people while they killed him.”
Acts 22:20 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
Jesus meets with Saul
1 All this time, Saul was still speaking strongly against the disciples of the Lord Jesus. He wanted to kill all the believers. So he went to see the most important priest in Jerusalem. 2 Saul asked him, ‘Please will you write some letters for me? Then I can give one of these letters to the leader of each Jewish group in Damascus. That will give me authority to take hold of any believers that I find there.’
9:2Saul needed letters from the most important priest. Then he would have authority. He could catch any believers that he found.
9:2Damascus was an important city and it was about 240 kilometres from Jerusalem. It was in Syria and many Jews lived there. Damascus was one of the ten towns that the Romans did not rule. These ten towns had their own rulers.
Saul wanted to find anyone who agreed with the Way of the Lord Jesus. Then he would tie them and bring them back to Jerusalem, whether they were men or they were women.
Acts 9:1-2 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
10 That is what I was doing in Jerusalem. The leaders of the priests gave me authority to put many of the believers in prison. I agreed with our leaders when they said, “These people must die.”
11 I went to our Jewish meeting places to take hold of believers. I told my men to punish them. I tried to make the believers say bad things against God. I was very angry with them. So I even travelled to cities in other countries to punish them.
Acts 26:10-11 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
It seemed natural to Paul to behave like this. He showed fierce anger towards other people. It did not seem natural to have feelings of peace, love, and forgiveness. He would do all that he could do. He would force people to give up this new religion. He would make them obey his Jewish traditions.
Paul would try. He would force people to believe. He would make them do what he wanted. He wanted them to give up their Christian faith. Men have tried this all down the ages, and they are still trying. It is one of God’s enemy’s most important methods. Long ago, King Nebuchadnezzar tried to do this. He wanted three young Jewish men to kneel to an image. He could not make them do it. At last, he threw them into a big fire (see Daniel 3).
In many parts of the world today, it is a dangerous thing to be a Christian. Christians are dying for their beliefs. Paul was the sort of man who made plans for cruel punishment. His idea was to arrest all of the Christians. He would throw them in prison. People threw stones at them to kill them. They killed them in other ways too. Paul was very eager to do this. He was much more eager than other people in Jerusalem. He never thought about forgiveness! One of the most frightening things about Paul at this time was his that he was so eager. He believed that he was obeying God. These ideas today are still just as frightening. How can a person like this change? He changes only when he meets Jesus. Then the Holy Spirit comes to a person and causes a complete change.
3 – How God Spoke to Paul
But all this time God was speaking to Paul. People were opposing and attacking Christians. The way that the Christians behaved impressed Paul very much. We know this about Paul. He saw how men killed Stephen. People threw stones at Stephen, and Paul agreed with this. Stephen was the first Christian who died because of his faith. Luke writes about it like this.
Failed to parse reference: Couldn"t parse bookname "<a class="shortref" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Acts 7:55-60</a>"
EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
This must have made a great impression on Paul. Paul caused the deaths of many other Christians. He must have seen many other people die like this.
He had also heard people say that Jesus had come back to life. Many people said that this was what some of the Old Testament writers had spoken about. Now it had come true. Luke tells us this. After Jesus had come back to life, he gave his disciples a Bible study. He taught them that the Old Testament referred to him, (Luke 24). They would have talked about this when they told the Jews about Jesus. Later, this became an important part of what Paul said. He liked to prove from the Old Testament that Jesus was the Christ. Paul must have heard this message. He was a very intelligent man. He must have had doubts, as he thought about various parts of the Bible. He must have understood that Christ made them true.
A second important fact is this. Paul’s religion was about actions and rules. The Christian faith was different. The Christians said that they had a personal relationship with God because of Christ. They believed that they were part of God’s family. This relationship is rather like David’s relationship to God. We read about that in the Old Testament book of Psalms. As an example, see Psalm 25.
A prayer for help in trouble
25:1This psalm is an alphabet psalm, like Psalms 9 and 10. Verse 1 begins with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Verse 2 begins with the second letter and so on. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet but this psalm misses out the letter q. Verse 22 is separate from the alphabet verses.
1 Lord, I offer myself to you.
2 I trust in you, my God.
Please do not let me be ashamed.
Do not let my enemies laugh at me,
because they are stronger than me.
3 Surely nobody who trusts in you
will become ashamed.
But those who like to deceive others
will become ashamed.
4 Lord, help me to understand your ways.
Teach me your good paths.
25:4God's ways and his paths are the right way for us to live.
5 Please be my guide and teach me your truth.
I trust you every day,
because you are the God who keeps me safe.
Psalm 25:1-5 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
Paul knew nothing about this sort of relationship with God, which this psalm and other psalms show us. His religion was one of actions and duties. He had pride and confidence in how he lived. The Christians whom he was opposing were very different.
We can be sure that all this made Paul even more fierce towards Christians. He tried to forget about his doubts. He made himself very busy. People still behave like this. They do not want to think about something, so they make themselves busy. Paul was in this state of mind when he went on a journey to Damascus…
4 – Paul Before Damascus – A Man Without Christ
Before he became a Christian, Paul was a man without Christ. He shows us what such a man is like. Paul was very proud of himself. He clearly thought that he was a very important person. He had strong feelings, like anger and hate. He did not think about other people’s feelings. He did not even think about other people’s lives. He believed that he knew what was right. He would force people to agree with him.
The Bible is an honest book. It shows clearly what man without Christ is like. When our important beliefs are in danger, we can be fierce. Our civilisation is not as strong as we like to think!
For example, when many people of Israel praised the young David to King Saul, Saul became jealous. He tried to kill David many times. But David had done nothing wrong.
Here is another example: People told King Herod the meaning of signs in the stars. They meant that there was a new king of the Jews. Herod tried to kill Jesus. He also killed a large number of young boys and babies.
Here is another example: Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him. They sold him as a slave. Joseph had to spend years as a slave. He went to prison. Man without Christ can become angry and fierce when his most important beliefs are in danger!
We see this today, in homes and families. Such behaviour is hard to understand, but it is part of man’s nature. But Paul was yet to learn this.
5 – What Paul Saw on the Road to Damascus
When a person becomes a Christian, it is as if he meets Christ. The woman in John chapter 4 met Christ, and Nicodemus met Christ (John 3). Paul wanted to find Christians in the city called Damascus. But, on the road to Damascus, Paul met Christ, who was alive again. Paul saw Christ in all his glory. It was so bright that Paul was blind for three days afterwards. Suddenly, he realised what he had done. He had attacked Christ, who was the Messiah. He had fought AGAINST God! Jesus had pointed straight at Paul’s wrong attitudes.
4 Saul fell down onto the ground. He heard a voice which said to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you fight against me?’
9:2People called the early Christians ‘Those who followed the Way of the Lord’.
5 Saul asked, ‘Lord, who are you?’ He said, ‘I am Jesus. And you are fighting against me.
Acts 9:4-5 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
Paul felt great terror. He realised what he had been doing. All through his life, he realised this more and more. He had done a terrible thing. When he began to work for Jesus, he said this about himself. He said that he was the least of the apostles. Later he said that he was the least of all the Christians.
8 I am the least important of all God's people. But God has given this special work to me because he is so kind. He has sent me to tell his good news to the Gentiles. Then they know about the many valuable things that Christ has prepared for us.
Ephesians 3:8 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
A person must know that he has sin. If he does not know this, he cannot become a true Christian. Without this, you cannot be like the Christians in the New Testament. It does not matter what your experience has been. Paul knew that God forgave him. He forgave him because of what Jesus did for him on the cross. Now he began to learn what sin was. There is an important point here. Later in his life, Paul was even more conscious of his wickedness, when he had attacked Christians. But he knew that God had forgiven him, of course. He says in Romans,
We can live by God's Spirit
1 Now we know this: God has forgiven those people who are united with Christ Jesus. God will never say that they are guilty. 2 If you belong to Christ Jesus, God's Spirit has given you a new life. God's Spirit now rules in your life and he has made you free. Sin and death no longer have authority over you.
Romans 8:1-2 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
There was no blame – Paul was sure about that. He was free from God’s judgement because of the death of Christ. But all sin makes us guilty. There are results. God, in Christ, forgives us, but we may have to live with the results of sin. Certainly, because of what Paul did, there would be many families of Christians with people missing.
We must have this sense of sin when we first become Christians. This is very important. God forgives the sin because Jesus gave his blood for us. Jesus often pointed straight to sin. When he began his work for God, this was his message. He told people that they must be sorry for their sin. When he met the woman at the well, he spoke about her wicked life, (John 4:16). For Paul, as for all of us, the beginning of a new life with Christ was to realise his sin.
6 – Paul is Blind for Three Days
Think about the reason why God allowed Paul to be blind for three days. Ananias might have come immediately. But those three days gave Paul time to think. He had time to think more about how bad his sin was. He also thought about how great God’s goodness was. Perhaps he asked why God had bothered with him – someone who had opposed God so much.
Paul would remember Stephen and other Christians. He had not wanted to remember them before this. Now he had the opportunity to think about them. In fact, he probably could think about nothing else. He probably remembered King David’s great song, in the Book of Psalms.
Please forgive me, Lord
51:1David wrote this psalm after he had done something very bad. Then God's prophet Nathan came to David and he warned David. In the end, David was very sorry for the bad things that he had done. He asked God to forgive him. See 2 Samuel 11-12. 1 Please forgive me, God,
because of your faithful love.
Because you are so kind,
please clean away my sins.
2 I have done bad things,
so wash me to make me clean again.
51:2David knows that sin makes him guilty in front of God. It is like he is dirty, so he wants God to wash away the bad things. Then he will be clean.
3 I know that I have not obeyed you.
I cannot forget that I am guilty.
4 It is you that I have done bad things against,
only you!
51:4The most important thing is that David did not obey God's laws. He did do bad things that also hurt other people, like Uriah. But David realizes that, more than anything else, it is God that he has turned against.
I have done things that are evil,
as you know.
And so you are fair when you speak against me.
You are right when you say that I am guilty.
Psalm 51:1-4 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
At some time, Paul remembered what he had read in the Old Testament. This would not be difficult for him. Jewish boys learned large sections of the Old Testament and could repeat them. Paul now understood that Jesus made God’s prophecy come true. He made God’s wonderful plan of salvation come true. This was something that he would develop later. He wrote about it in the letter to the Romans. Paul was also able to use the Old Testament to prove that Jesus was the Messiah. His words were extremely powerful. By the time that Ananias came, Paul was ready. Ananias baptised him immediately. Paul had no doubts at all that Jesus was in fact Christ.
20 He immediately went to the Jewish meeting places and he taught people about Jesus. He told them that Jesus is the Son of God. 21 All the people who heard what Saul said were very surprised. They said to each other, ‘This is the same man who caused much pain to the believers in Jerusalem. We are sure it is him! Now he has come here to Damascus to take hold of the believers and take them away to Jerusalem. He wants to make them stand in front of the leaders of the priests.’
22 But Saul became even more powerful when he taught the people. He showed very clearly that Jesus is God's Messiah. So the Jews who lived there in Damascus could not answer him.
Acts 9:20-22 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
Yes, Paul had learned that Jesus was in fact the Christ. He was able to prove it from the Old Testament. We know that later he lived for a time in the land that was called ‘Arabia.’ There he thought more about God’s plan of salvation. But he had learned something else now.
7 – What Paul Learned
Religion Alone does not Satisfy a Person
The first error – The rules that men teach
Saul loved his religion. His religion caused him to behave as he did. He perfectly obeyed the many rules of his religion. But on that road to Damascus, he found that this behaviour was of no use. He had thought that these rules were what God wanted. That is why he obeyed them so carefully. But these rules were the rules of men. Some people said that they were from the Old Testament. But they were not! Jesus spoke about this several times.
Jesus tells the Pharisees and teachers of God's Law to obey God
1 After that, a group of Pharisees and teachers of God's Law came from Jerusalem to talk to Jesus. 2 They said, ‘Our leaders in past times taught us the right way to do everything. But your disciples do not obey the things that our leaders taught us. They do not wash their hands in the right way before they eat a meal. Why is that?’
3 Jesus replied, ‘God tells us the right way to obey him. But you refuse. Instead, you like to keep your own ideas. 4 God's Law says: “You must love your father and mother and obey them.” God also said, “A person should die if he says bad things against his father or against his mother.” 5 But you teach that a person may say to his father or to his mother, “I would have given gifts to help you. But I cannot do that because I have given them to God instead.” 6 Then, you let that person give nothing to his parents. He does not have to help them. This shows that you have not obeyed what God says is right. Instead, you have obeyed your own ideas. 7 You are hypocrites! What God's prophet Isaiah wrote about you long ago is true:
8 God says, “These people say good things about me,
but they do not really want to obey me.
9 They say that I am great.
But what they say has no purpose.
They teach their own rules, which I did not give to them.” ’
Matthew 15:1-9 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
This was the first error. Saul and his teachers taught what men said. They did not teach what God said. Of course, they told people that these commands were in the Old Testament. But it was not true. They did not teach the real words of the Bible. They taught their own words and their own ideas. After that experience on the road to Damascus, Paul understood this clearly. He came to understand the true value and meaning of the Old Testament. Later, he said this:
15 But God had chosen me to serve him even before I was born. He chose me to be his servant because he is very kind. 16 He decided to show his Son clearly to me, so that I could tell the Gentiles about him. When God chose me to do that, I did not talk about it with any person. 17 Nor did I go to Jerusalem to see Christ's apostles there. Those men were already his apostles before I was. But I did not go to talk to them. Instead, I went immediately to the region of Arabia. Later, I went back to the city of Damascus.
1:16God showed Jesus to Paul near the city of Damascus. Damascus was in Syria, not very far from the north part of Israel. Paul had gone there from Jerusalem to cause trouble against the Christians.
1:17Arabia was a place south and east from Israel.
Galatians 1:15-17 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
God gave Paul a new gift of wisdom. He could now distinguish between man-made rules and what was really the command of God. Such wisdom is important in the church today for three reasons:
- It can separate what comes from the Bible from what has become tradition for a particular church.
- It can separate what comes from the Bible from what comes from our culture.
- It can separate false teaching from true teaching.
Today people still make this same error. It is a favourite ‘holy’ way to think. People tell you that some great authority has dealt with all this. They say that all that you have to do is to believe and obey.
God told men to write the Bible for everyone. It is for each one of us. We each must read the Bible for our authority. And God promises that his Holy Spirit will explain it to us. When Paul told people about Christ, again and again he told them to refer to the Old Testament. In ‘Arabia’ Paul studied the Old Testament!
The second error
The second error is to forget that true Christian belief is not rules and regulations, but a relationship to Christ.
People can obey holy duties eagerly. They think that this is enough. Paul tells the Philippians this:
4 For myself, I could have trusted those human ideas. Perhaps somebody may think that they could trust in those things to save them. Then I would have an even better reason to trust in them. 5 I belong to Israel's people, to Benjamin's tribe. I am a true Jew. They circumcised me when I was eight days old. I was a Pharisee, and I obeyed the Jewish rules very carefully. 6 I tried very much to please God. So I caused a lot of trouble and pain for the Christians. I obeyed the rules of God's Law, and nobody could say that I did anything wrong.
7 All those ideas seemed very important to me then. But now they are worth nothing to me, because I trust in Christ. 8 Yes, now that I know Christ Jesus as my Lord, that is the most valuable thing. Nothing else is important at all. I have thrown everything else away, so that I can serve Christ. All those other things are like dirt to me. I think about them like that, so that I can have Christ. 9 I want to be united with him. Because I believe in Christ, God accepts me as right with him. I know that I cannot become right in any other way, even if I obey all of God's Law. When I trust in Christ, God accepts me as right because of my faith.
10 Yes, I want to know Christ better and better. I want to know the power which God showed when Christ rose from death. I want to have the same kind of troubles that he did. I want to obey God like he did in his death.
Philippians 3:4-10 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
Paul knew that he should no longer obey the rules eagerly. Now that he was a Christian, he needed a relationship to Christ.
What it Means, to be a Disciple
When Paul was blind, in Damascus, the Lord Jesus taught him to be a disciple. He taught him that he would have to obey God. He would have to serve Jesus. In Acts 9, the Lord told Ananias to go to Saul. The Lord said, ‘I will show him how much he must suffer because of me’ (Acts 9:16). Very soon, Paul was in danger in Damascus, and then in Jerusalem. He had to escape quickly from both these places.
What God offers us is free. God offers to forgive us freely because Christ offered himself. He did this when he died. But it is not easy to be a Christian. Jesus himself emphasised this. See Luke 14:25-33; John 15:18-21. In this second passage Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us to follow Jesus.
8 – Paul’s Prayer ‘What Shall I Do Lord?’ Acts 22:10
Paul was humble
All true Christians are humble, and certainly, Paul became humble. Jesus said we must be humble.
Paul shows us this truth. Paul thought that he was a great man. He obeyed the rules of his religion. He had been one of the best students at the university of his day. He had studied under one of the greatest men of his time – Gamaliel. Now Paul had letters from the High Priest – now he had real authority. He was very proud. But suddenly he becomes humble. Here in this verse we see that he is like a child. This shows us that he is really sorry for his sins.
He is no longer proud
When Paul became a Christian, it must have been very difficult for him. Everybody knew about it. They knew that he had attacked Christians. Now he was saying ‘I was wrong’ in public. That is difficult. Pride is one of the worst sins. Now Paul was no longer proud.
He is like a soldier who has to wait for orders
Before this, Paul knew what he would do. He would not let anybody stop him! He would force these Christians to give up their new belief! Now he waits for Christ’s orders.
Notice where the orders are to come from
The orders are not to come from the church, not from Peter or John, or the other apostles. They are to come from Christ himself.
Let us think again about what Jesus said in Matthew 18:3. Unless we ALL trust in Christ in this way, like a child, we cannot enter heaven. Perhaps you want to enter heaven. Then there is only one way – we must bend down before Jesus, as Paul did. We must thank him because he died for our sin. We must say ‘ Lord, what do you want ME to do?’
9 – Paul Learned more about Sin
As Paul learned more about the Christian faith, he learned more about sin. Read what he says in his letters:
3 Before we believed in Christ, we ourselves were fools too. We did not obey God. We believed a false message. We wanted to do many kinds of bad things to make us happy. We could not stop doing them. Every day we did evil things. We were jealous of other people. People hated us, and we hated each other.
4 But then God, our Saviour, showed clearly that he is very kind. He showed that he loves all people. 5 God did not save us because of any good things that we ourselves had done. He saved us because he chose to forgive us. God has washed us so that we are clean inside. We have been born again, so that we live a new life. God's Holy Spirit has done this for us. 6 Jesus Christ died as a sacrifice to save us. So now God has poured his Holy Spirit into us, to fill us. 7 Because God is very kind, he has accepted us as right with himself. As a result, we know that we will receive the good things that God has prepared for us. We know that we will live with God for ever.
Titus 3:3-7 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
God has made us alive with Christ
1 Remember how you lived before. You did wrong things and bad things. As a result, you were dead in your spirits. 2 You lived in a bad way, like the people who belong to this world. You were obeying Satan, who rules the powerful spirits in the air. Those spirits are working now in everyone who refuses to obey God. 3 At one time, all of us lived like those people. We did whatever bad things our bodies wanted to do. If our thoughts made us want to do something, we did it. Because we were like that, God was angry with us. He should have punished us, just like everyone else.
4 But God is very good and kind! He loved us very much. 5 Because of our sins, we were dead in our spirits. But God gave us a new life, because we are united with Christ. Yes, God has saved you because he is so kind. 6 Also, God raised us up with Christ, so that we now sit with Christ in heaven. God has done this for us because we are united with Christ Jesus. 7 He wanted to show, for all future time, how very kind he is. He has helped us so much because of what Christ Jesus has done. 8 When you believed in Jesus, God saved you because he is very kind. You could not save yourselves, but that is God's gift to you. 9 He has not saved you as a result of any good things that you have done. So nobody has any reason to be proud about it.
Ephesians 2:1-9 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
People are guilty
18 God in heaven shows that he is angry with people. He is angry because they do not respect him and they do bad things. Because they continue to do those bad things, they choose not to accept God's true message. 19 They should understand what God is like, because God himself has shown it to them clearly.
Romans 1:18-19 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
In these passages, we read about how much Paul understood about sin. He also shows us what God thinks about sin. Paul wrote these passages some time after he became a Christian. But some knowledge of sin is essential to salvation. Paul began to understand that the law showed up our sin.
God's Law teaches us about sin
7 So someone might say, ‘God's Law must be bad.’ No! Certainly, it is not bad! Without that law, I would not have known what sin really is. One rule says, ‘You must not want to take things for yourself that belong to other people.’ Without that command, I would not have known that it is wrong to want other people's things. 8 But the command gave sin a chance to come into my thoughts. As a result, I started to want all kinds of wrong things. If there is no law to tell us what is wrong, then sin has no power to make us guilty.
7:7When Paul talks about ‘God's Law’, he means the laws and commands that God gave to Moses for the Israelites to obey. Here, he uses one command as an example. See Exodus 20:17 and Deuteronomy 5:21. 9 As for me, there was a time when I did not know God's laws. I was living without any law to obey. But when I learned about that command, sin now had power in my life. 10 As a result, I became separate from God, as if I had died. So the command that should have brought life to me brought death instead. 11 That command gave sin a chance to deceive me. It caused me to become separate from God.
7:10Paul understood that he had not obeyed God's Law. He knew that he had become separate from God. He did not have the true life which God gives to believers. See Romans 5:12-14. 12 So we understand that God's Law and its commands are completely good. They are holy, fair and good.
Romans 7:7-12 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
[Paul does not mean that the command of the law killed him. He does not write about the death that comes at the end of our life. God wants us to know him. If we do not know God, we do not have a complete life. Paul thinks that this is like death.]
Paul had tried to please God. He had tried to live by God’s law. But the law at last helped him to know about sin. Then he knew that he needed a Saviour. In the verses after this passage Paul writes about his sin. He is very honest. Sin is very powerful, but Christ is more powerful. He makes us free from the power of sin.
10 – As Paul Obeyed, he had more Trust in God
God chose Paul for his work (Acts 9:15)
God chose him for a particular work. He wanted him to tell the good news about Jesus to the Gentiles. God also prepared him for the task. God arranged that Paul’s family knew both the Jewish and the Greek civilisations. He gave him one of the finest minds that ever existed. He gave him the Holy Spirit. With his help and power, Paul could speak clearly about Jesus. He made Paul brave, because his enemies attacked him in a terrible way. God helped him to be brave, patient and joyful (Colossians 1:9-11). Notice here that God gave Paul a mixture of ‘natural’ and ‘ spiritual’ gifts. What Paul had to do was to obey. He always remembered that God had chosen him. That knowledge affected him very much. It gave him a reason for his work. He mentions it at the beginning of many of his letters. For example,
Read also Romans 1:1; 1 Timothy 1:11; 2 Timothy 1:12; Acts 13:2.
In the same way, God chose all the apostles for their work:
16 You did not choose me, but I chose you. I chose you to go and to make plenty of fruit. That kind of fruit will continue always. For that reason, the Father will help you with anything that you ask him. If you ask him in my name, he will do it for you.
John 15:16 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
God also chooses us. He gives us also what we need.
9 But you are not like that. You are a special group of people that God has chosen. You serve God like priests who serve a King. You are his own holy people who belong to him. He has taken you out of the dark place of sin, and he has brought you into his great light. He has done all this so that you can tell people how great he is.
1 Peter 2:9 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
God has a purpose for each of us, to work out for his glory. He chose Paul. Then he gave him what he needed. In the same way, he chooses each of us. He gives us what we need also. We just have to receive and to obey.
As Paul obeyed, he grew in strength and knowledge of the Lord (Acts 9:22)
It is God’s way, and it will be his way with us. God wants to use us for his glory here. We must obey as Paul did. If we obey, we will behave in a very different way. We must not look back. That was Paul’s experience. He explained it when he wrote in Philippians 3:13-14, ‘But one thing I do: I forget what is in the past. I aim toward what is ahead of me. I always go on toward the goal to win my prize. The prize is that God has called me to heaven with Christ Jesus.’
Jesus never promises that life will be easy
Even at this early time, Paul was soon in danger, (Acts 9:23, 29). But he soon learned that the Lord would certainly be his shepherd. Psalm 23 promises this. He had a wonderful thing to say at the end of his life:
6 As for me, it is nearly time for me to die. My death will be like a drink offering that they pour out to God. My life as God's servant will end. 7 I have worked to serve Christ well. I have finished everything that God wanted me to do. I am like a runner who has run to the end of the race. I have continued to believe God's true message. 8 So now a gift is waiting for me. The Lord will make me completely right with him. That will be like a crown which the Lord will give me on that great day when he judges people. He is the judge who is fair and right. He will not only give that gift to me. He will give it to all those people who love him. They will be happy to see him when he comes again.
4:6When the Israelites worshipped God, they offered gifts to him. These gifts included wine. They poured out the wine as a drink offering to God. See Numbers 15:5-10; 28:7. Paul is saying that he himself is like the drink offering. His life on earth will soon end. He has lived to serve God, and now he is ready to die for God. 4:8At that time, people often gave a crown to somebody who had won a race. So Paul is using the crown as a picture of what God will give his people. God will give a gift to everyone who really belongs to Christ. That gift is that we will be completely right and happy as we will live with him for ever.
2 Timothy 4:6-8 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
11 – Paul’s Experience can be our Experience
Like Paul, we can know what it means to be a Christian.
1) We need to be humble, and to give up all pride.
2) We need to know our sin. Jesus dealt with it when he died.
3) We need to honour Jesus and say, ‘What do you want me to do, Lord?’
God gave Paul all that he needed. He promises to do this for us. We might doubt that we can continue as Christians. But we do not need to doubt. We can trust God and his promises. He will help us. If God has spoken to us, we must not oppose him. Each time that we oppose him, it becomes harder to trust him.
Some of us know that we belong to Christ. We must think about whether we have asked Paul’s question. We know what God wants US to do. He has already told us! He wants us to spread the good news about Jesus round the world. He wants us to do this before he comes again. This is the work that Jesus left for the apostles. They should spread the good news about Jesus round the world. That work has not ended yet. Paul and his companions did their part. Think about what God is asking you to do.
12 – Paul Obeyed the Good News About Jesus
Paul became a Christian. Immediately he began to tell other people about Jesus. He did it in Damascus. There he had wanted to kill Christians. He did not want them to tell other people about Jesus any longer. But now he spoke with great power, and he was soon in danger. After some time, Paul went to Jerusalem, and he was soon in danger there too. After this, he went back to his home city of Tarsus, and remained there for about 10 years. We know nothing of his life there. But we can be sure that he continued to tell people about Jesus. He would tell them that Jesus was alive again.
NOTE: We can find out what sort of a man Paul was. In order to do this, we must look at 3 places in Acts. There we find out how Paul became a Christian. We can read about this also in Galatians 1 and 2, and elsewhere. These passages show us what kind of man Paul was: Acts 9:1-19a; Acts 22:3-21; 26:4-18; 7:58; Galatians chapters 1 and 2. See also Isaiah 6:1-6 for the effects of a vision of God.
Extra Note – Paul’s Roman Citizenship and his Rights
Paul was a Roman citizen by birth and a Jew. He became an apostle because he met Christ. Christ told him to go and tell other people. It is useful to know how and when Paul mentioned his rights. Many of us live in societies where people talk much about our rights. They talk less about our responsibilities. Paul did not always use his rights as a Roman citizen or as an apostle.
A more important citizenship
Philippians 3:20 shows us how Paul thought about earthly and heavenly citizenship together.
20 But as for us, the home where we belong is in heaven. We are waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ to come from there. He is the one who will come from heaven and save us.
Philippians 3:20 EasyEnglish Bible (EASY)
This is of particular importance because he is writing as a Roman citizen to Roman citizens in the Roman military city called Philippi. They had the same rights as if they lived in Rome itself.
Heavenly citizenship did not set Paul free from responsibilities as a Roman citizen
E.g. Romans 13:1-7 shows us that Paul understands his responsibilities.
He did not claim his rights as a Roman citizen only when he was in personal danger
He cared about the truth of the news about Jesus. He cared about the people in the new churches. If they were in danger, he talked about his rights, e.g. Acts 16:35-40. The men who had authority in the city of Philippi wanted to send Paul and Silas away secretly. Paul refused. He used his rights as a Roman citizen to make them apologise. The early church would benefit from this. It might protect them from unjust actions from the authorities. It also gave him time to be with church members before he had to leave. Notice that Paul did not use his rights to prevent the punishment and prison. In Acts 22:24-29, Paul uses his right as a Roman citizen to avoid an unjust punishment. But this helped him to speak about Jesus to more people in the days afterwards.
Paul was very proud to be a Jew, but he respected other nations
He had a great desire for his own people to become Christians, (e.g. Romans chapters 9-11). His pride also shows when he speaks about their faults. He was prepared to say that they were wrong. He did this even if it hurt himself. He did not think that his country was always right. But he cared very much for his country. It is an important for us to notice this. It has lessons for Christians in many countries today.
As an apostle, Paul was ready to give up his rights
He always referred to himself as a slave of Christ. The slave was the most humble person in any house. 1 Corinthians 9:1-18 shows us Paul’s attitude. The church in Corinth did not give him money when he was with them. They could have done this, but he did not ask for it. He did not want to seem selfish. He did not want to spoil the truth of the good news. When he spoke about his authority as an apostle, it was not for himself. It was when the truth about Jesus was in danger. This was because people said wrong things about Paul.
There is much in Paul’s attitude here that is useful for Christian life today in any civilisation or country. It is especially useful where people are very proud of their nation. Those who are in Christian leadership will find it helpful to think about Paul’s attitude.