Open up! Dig into the greatest story ever told. It’s about the living God whose great idea was to make a beautiful world where people would live in harmony with each other and him. But as every newscast shows, we have no time for God – and war, lust, greed and hatred flourish as a result.
However, God is not defeated. He loves us and devised a rescue plan to restore the broken relationship. It comes through Jesus, who shares God’s nature as well as ours. He achieved it in the most unexpected way and at enormous personal cost.
Read on! Don’t miss out on his free offer of eternal life. There have never been so many people turning to Jesus as there are today – when you do, you’ll find your life gets transformed, forever.
Some Things that Jesus Did
- Day 1 – Ordinary men follow Jesus
- Day 2 – A man who could not walk
- Day 3 – A special meal
- Day 4 – Jesus walks across a lake
- Day 5 – Jesus cures a blind man (part 1)
- Day 6 – Jesus cures a blind man (part 2)
- Day 7 – Many bad spirits have to leave
- Day 8 – The storm on the lake
- Day 9 – A dead girl and a sick woman (part 1)
- Day 10 – A dead girl and a sick woman (part 2)
- Day 11 – A widow’s son
Some Things that Jesus Said
- Day 12 – A story about two sons (part 1)
- Day 13 – A story about two sons (part 2)
- Day 14 – A story about four soils
- Day 15 – A story about a good man
- Day 16 – Jesus teaches those who follow him
- Day 17 – Jesus teaches how to pray
- Day 18 – To obey rules is not enough
How Some People Behaved Towards Jesus
- Day 19 – Peter understands who Jesus is
- Day 20 – A friend betrays Jesus
- Day 21 – Jesus’ last meal with his friends
- Day 22 – Leaders of the people capture Jesus
- Day 23 – Peter denies that Jesus is his friend
- Day 24 – Jesus’ enemies get what they want
- Day 25 – Soldiers obey orders
What Happened Next
About Michael Green
Dr Michael Green (1930–2019) was a British author, lecturer and theologian. He wrote over 50 books and led hundreds of missions in the UK and other countries. He worked as a vicar, a professor and an advisor to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Thanks to Roger Chouler for his watercolour illustrations that have enhanced these pages.
Thanks to Anne Adamson for selecting the readings and providing additional notes.
Thanks to Robert Hicks for initiating this project and supporting it wholeheartedly.
First published in 2018 by Bible Trust, Bath, England, BA2 6DT United Kingdom
If you would like printed copies of this book, please contact Robert Hicks at www.bibletrust.org.uk