Day 17 – Jesus teaches how to pray
Bible reading: Matthew 6:5–13
Jesus teaches people how to pray
“God, our Father who is in
we want people to give
We want everyone to obey you on earth, like everyone in heaven obeys you.
In the same way, please forgive us for the wrong things that we have done.
Keep us safe from
Nearly everybody prays … when the plane is going to crash! But most of us find it so difficult that we do not make a habit of it. At first, Jesus explains a few mistakes we make.
We do not have to use religious words, simple words are perfectly acceptable. We are not heard because we pray for a long time. This prayer is very short. And we are not meant to bring God a shopping list of our requests. We should begin by looking up at his smiling face and saying ‘Daddy’ which is the meaning of the Aramaic word that Jesus used. It’s a familiar, warm, family word.
Prayer is not about persuading God to do what we want. It is humbly agreeing with what he wants. His name is to be honoured and not used as a swear word. God's desire is to have power in our broken world, and his reign as king of this world.
Only then should we come with our requests: for our physical needs, for daily forgiveness when we fail, and for his strength to stop our bad habits. It ends wonderfully. If we make him king in our lives today, he will give us the strength we need. And for everything, we have to thank him!
Prayer like that is powerful. Let’s make use of the Lord’s Prayer, either by itself or as a series of topics, for our prayers.