Paul’s Message is from God
Paul explains how God spoke to him. He explains what he did next.
Bible verses
Paul was not a Christian. But then he met Christ.
Paul tells how he received the
The leaders of the Christians were
Instead, after he met Christ Paul went immediately to another place. (this place was called Arabia.) He had received the
After three years, Paul met Peter and James in Jerusalem. Many
V11-12 Find 3 ways in which Paul did not hear the truth about Christ.
1:12 ~ How did Paul hear about Christ?
1:13 ~ What does Paul say about his life before he met Christ? What did he believe? What did he do?
1:14 ~ Why did Paul do this?
V15-16 Why did God not allow Paul to continue like this?
1:16 ~ What did Paul not do after God changed him? What did he do?
1:17 ~ What might this suggest about that which Paul had learnt?
1:18 ~ How long was it before Paul met any leaders of the Christians? Which leaders did he meet then?
1:19 ~ What important idea does Paul repeat?
1:20-21 ~ Christians in places called Syria and Cilicia had never met Paul. But they had heard about him. What had they heard?
1:24 ~ The Christians in the places in Syria and Cilicia heard what had happened to Paul. What did they do?
Something to do
Paul had met Christ. And this changed him. Talk about what he lost. Also talk about what he received.
Think about how Christ is changing your life. Make a list. Think about what you hope to add to your list.
God had a special job that he wanted Paul to do for him. There may be something special that God wants you to do for him. Think about this.