The Test

Read Matthew 4:1–11

Jesus is the Son of God. God showed this to everybody. He did this at Jesus’ baptism. The devil, (or Satan), did not like this. So, he gave Jesus some very hard tests.

Jesus was ready to identify with all the needs of sinners (Read 3:13–17). He had the same temptations as we have. (This word means that someone or something is tempting us to sin.) Jesus suffered like us too. But his temptations were special. It could not be the same for anybody else. The devil was testing a fact. It was the fact that Jesus was the ‘Son of God’. Notice when these events happened. It was just after a great experience. (Read 3:16–1). The word ‘then’ emphasised this.

It can be the same for us. We may have a great spiritual experience. We may have a great success against Satan (the devil). Then, it can be hard to deal with another temptation. This was true for Elijah (Read 1 Kings 18-19). It was also true for Jesus.

Jesus went to the place where he would have his great test. Matthew said something unusual. He said that God’s Holy Spirit took Jesus there. It was part of God’s plan for Jesus. He would be ‘perfect by the things that he suffered’ (Read Hebrews 2:10). God often uses the temptations that come into our lives. It can be his way to make us grow in our Christian lives. But, we must remember something. Matthew emphasised it. God allows the devil to tempt us. But, when evil attracts us, that is the devil’s work.

Satan did not just tempt Jesus at the end of 40 days (Read verses 2–3). He tempted Jesus for the whole period (Read Luke 4:1–13). There was no quick escape from his tests. Often, the same is true for us.

Let us think about the first temptation. The devil seemed to be referring to 3:17. There, God confirmed that Jesus was his Son. Satan was trying to spoil Jesus’ confidence in these words. Satan said ‘If’. He wanted Jesus to test the truth of God’s words.

The devil had used this method before. He tried to bring doubts into Eve’s mind (Read Genesis 3:1–6). There, in the garden, Adam and Eve failed the test. Here, Jesus passed the test. He was confident in God. He trusted God and his word. He reminded the devil that all people must respect God. So, Jesus said words from Deuteronomy 8:3. Deuteronomy is in the OT. The devil’s methods do not change. They are the same today. The way to overcome the devil does not change either!

The devil had some more tests for Jesus. This time, the devil said something from the Bible (The words are in Psalm 91:11–12). He wanted Jesus to test God’s word. The place where this happened was probably important. Satan’s test was on the roof of the Temple. The Temple was the place where God lived. So, surely God would look after his Son. God was very near. He was able to help too. There could not be a better place. Jesus could do something wonderful. Then a crowd of people would follow him!

Jesus answered the devil in the same way. He used the Bible. Jesus knew Psalm 91. There, God promised to protect his children. But Jesus said words from Deuteronomy 6:16. We must not use God for experiments. Jesus knew the Bible. He understood its correct meaning too. In this way, he overcame the devil. The lesson for us should be clear.

Then there was the last test for Jesus at this time. It was probably a vision. (This is like a dream, but the person is often awake.) The devil showed Jesus ‘all the kingdoms of the world’. He was able to do this ‘in a moment of time’ (Read Luke 4:5). But, the test was still very real. The devil offered power on earth to Jesus. This was instead of spiritual authority.

But, there was a price for this power. Jesus must accept Satan as his spiritual leader. He must worship Satan. Jesus knew Satan’s purpose. Again, Jesus said words from the Bible (The words are in Deuteronomy 6:13). God is the only one whom people must worship. Then the devil left Jesus (verse 11). The devil will leave us too. (Note: Luke 4:13 reminds us of another fact. Satan ‘went away to wait until a better time’. For us too, the same thing will happen. Satan will come back.)


  1. How well do I know my Bible? When the devil tempts me, could I answer him in the right way? (A good idea: Write down any verses that would help you. There will be many of them. So, you could do this for a long time.)
  2. Jesus had the same sort of tests that we have. How should this help us with temptations (when someone or something is tempting us to sin)?
  3. What does this passage teach about the spiritual battle?
  4. How does this passage explain the world in which we live?