Advantages and Responsibility
Matthew 21:28–22:14
Some people claim to be religious. But they do not live for Jesus. These people do not belong to God’s
There are three stories in this passage. It is another series of
Yes and no (Matthew 21:28–32)
The first
But there were the ‘
An impossible ambition (Matthew 21:33–45)
This is the second
In the story, the owner sent his servants to get his share of the harvest. The farmers attacked them and killed one of them. The owner sent more servants. But the same thing happened. He even sent his son. But they killed him too.
Jesus explained the meaning of the story. The owner was God himself. The fruit farm for grapes was the
Jesus was teaching important truths in this story. We can be citizens of God’s
There are three responsibilities here. First, a Christian should live a good life (Matthew 21:43). This is like a tree that should have fruit (Matthew 21:34b). Next, Christians must hear God’s word. And they must act on God’s word. We must not be like the farmers in Jesus’ story (Matthew 21:34–39). Lastly, Christians must believe Jesus’ words (Matthew 21:42). This is like ‘building’ upon Jesus. Jesus speaks about a danger too. It is to refuse to believe God’s word. It is to refuse to accept God’s Son. To do this will bring
Ungrateful guests (Matthew 22:1–14)
- Matthew 21:1–7. The king is God himself. The big meal is for the
Messiah . It will happen at the end of time. The servants are theprophets . The previousparable suggested this. But theprophets may include John, Jesus and thedisciples . The story is about three things. First, there is God’s patience. There are many chances to enter God’skingdom .
Next, there were the people who refused the king’s invitation. They were too busy, because they were doing other things. (These things were not wrong. But they were not as important.) But there was something more serious. They completely refused to accept the authority of the man who sent the invitation. So, there must be
It is hard to explain such behaviour. The invitation was to a royal wedding. Most people would never refuse a chance like that! There is more. In the ancient world, any wedding was a happy occasion. Of course, a royal wedding was extra special. Most people’s lives were very dull. So, a wedding would give them a chance to enjoy something.
- Matthew 21:8–10. Some people lost their right to attend the wedding big meal. So, all sorts of men and women were there instead. They would know that they did not deserve to be there. It will be the same at the end of the world.
- Matthew 21:11–14. The details are not clear at first. There was a custom in Jesus’ time. It was to offer special clothes to guests at a wedding. One person seems to have refused this gift. Jesus was teaching that all are welcome to attend the big meal. They could be ‘bad people’. But they must accept the way that God does things. Otherwise, they would be as bad as those who refused the invitation. Matthew 21:14 probably emphasised this idea.
The message of the
- Think about times when you have said ‘Yes’ to something that is good. Then you have decided against it. Now, think about times when you have said ‘No’. Then you have changed your mind. Make two lists. If the second list is longer, thank God!
- The
Jewish leaders thought that they had the right to have all of God’s benefits. Can people who are in churches today be like them? What should these people be like? - God has given the world to men and women. He wants them to look after it. If this is true, Christians should set an example. How can we do this?
- God has an invitation for people today. Many of them make excuses not to accept it. Make a list of the reasons that they give. How can we make the invitation more attractive? (But we must show that it is a serious matter too.)