Jesus Enters Jerusalem as The Messiah
All Jews had to try to go to Jerusalem for Passover every year. It was nearly that time. The Jews were expecting a special king Messiah to come and free them from the rule of the
Questions to ask
(v1) Jesus knew that the Jewish leaders would soon take him to the Romans. Then the Romans would kill him. So why did he go into Jerusalem? What did he feel? Was he afraid?
(v2) What was special about the young donkey?
(v3) Why did Jesus tell the disciples what they should say?
(v6) Why did the people let the disciples take the donkey?
(v7) Jesus was the first person to sit on the donkey. Why did it stay quiet?
(v8) Many people spread their coats on the road. Some people cut branches to spread. Why did they do that?
(v9-10) Why were the people so happy? Why did they shout
(v11) Jesus knew that the Jewish leaders wanted to kill him. He was not afraid to go into the Temple. So why did he go to Bethany that night?
Something to do
The people were very happy that day. They thought that Jesus would soon free them from the Romans. A few days later they wanted the soldiers to kill Jesus. Will you love God when he does not do what you expect? Will you love God if other people turn against him?