Jesus has a picnic – Luke 9:10-17

Jesus and his friends went away to a quiet place.
Crowds of people followed them.
Jesus healed the people who were ill.
He spoke to the people about God.

When evening came, Jesus’ friends said,
“Send the people away to find food. This is a lonely place.”
Jesus said to his friends, “You give them something to eat.”
“We only have five bread rolls and 2 fishes”, they said.
“Do you want us to buy food for all these people?”
There were about 5000 men there.
Jesus told the people to sit in groups.
He wanted about 50 people in each group.
Then Jesus took the bread rolls and the fish.
He thanked God for the food.
He broke it into small pieces and his friends gave it to the people.
They all ate as much as they wanted.
When the meal was over, they collected 12 baskets of leftovers.
Jesus had given food to all these people.