The workmen – Matthew 20:1-15
Jesus told this story.
A man owned a large field.
He grew grapes in the field.
This is called a vineyard.
The man needed some men to pick grapes.
He went out early in the morning to find some men.
He told the men he would pay them.
He would pay 1 silver coin for a day’s work.
At 9-o-clock, he found some more men.
“Come and work for me.
I will pay you a fair wage”, he said.
At 12-o-clock and at 3-o-clock he sent more men to work.
He even found some men at 5-o-clock.
It was nearly time to stop work.
In the evening, he called the men.
He gave them their pay.
He started with the last ones;
the men who had begun work at 5-o-clock.
He gave them 1 silver coin.
The ones who had worked all day were last.
They thought they would get more pay.
The man gave them the same 1 silver coin.
The men were not happy; they grumbled.
“We worked all day and they only worked 1 hour.
They get the same pay”, they said.
The owner said, “I did not cheat you.
You agreed to work for 1 silver coin.
Take your wages and go now.
I can do what I like with my own money.
Are you jealous because I am kind?”