The story of the two sons – Matthew 21:28-32
Jesus told this story to the leaders.
“A farmer had 2 sons.
He said to the first son, ‘Will you come and help me today?’
The first son said, ‘No, I will not.’
Later on, he felt sorry so he went to help.
The father asked his other son.
‘Come and help me to do some work today.’
‘Yes sir, I will’, replied this son.
He did not go to help his father.”
Jesus asked, “Which son did what his father wanted?”
The leaders said, “The first son.”
Jesus said, “People who did wrong things are now doing what God asks.
They are nearer to God than you are.
John the Baptist showed you all the right way.
You did not believe him.
The people who knew they had done wrong things believed John.
You leaders saw that but you still did not believe and say sorry to God.”
John told people about Jesus.
He told them to say sorry to God and believe in Jesus and be baptised.