John Baptises Jesus
Before Jesus began his special work for God, there was John the
Mark uses words from Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3 to describe John‘s work. People prepared the roads before a king came. And John prepared people before Jesus came. John told them that they were doing many wrong things. They must change their minds, because the
John did not go into the towns. He stayed near the river Jordan. But people came to him. Large crowds came. They listened to the words that he spoke. They believed that he was right. They asked him to
Verses 9-11
People came across the country called Israel to meet John. They came from Judea (that is, the south). And they came from Galilee (that is, the north).
Jesus was among the people who came. And John
And God spoke from
Verses 12-13
Jesus left John. Jesus did not return to the towns yet. Instead, he prayed for 40 days. No people were there, but God‘s
During those 40 days,
But Jesus always obeyed God completely.