About Mark’s book
The Bible has 4 books about Jesus’ life. They are called the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. People often call them ‘the Gospels’, which means ‘the good news’.
The Book of Mark is the shortest Gospel. Like the other Gospels, it tells us about the things that Jesus did. And it tells us some things that he taught.
The writer of the book was Mark. He belonged to a family who lived in Jerusalem. Mark became a Christian and he joined the church there. Then he travelled to tell people about Jesus. Mark worked with both Paul and Peter.
Bible students think that Peter helped Mark to write his book. But Mark was present at some events that he describes. He was a young man then.
Mark wanted to help people across the world. He wanted to teach them about Jesus. And Mark wanted people who never met Jesus to know God’s good news. Mark wrote his book for those reasons.
Mark Chapter 1
Mark Chapter 2
- Jesus forgives a man
- The people that God helps
- People Who Refuse Food
- Old And New Things
- Jesus Speaks About David
Mark Chapter 3
- The day for rest
- Jesus Teaches from a Boat
- The 12 disciples
- People say bad things about Jesus
- Jesus' family
Mark Chapter 4
- The Story About the Seeds
- People Are Not Ready to Learn
- Jesus explains the story about the seeds
- Jesus speaks about a lamp
- Only God can save
- The plant called mustard
- A storm on Lake Galilee
Mark Chapter 5
Mark Chapter 6
- Jesus in Nazareth
- Jesus sends the disciples
- John the Baptist dies
- Food for 5000 men
- Jesus walks on water
Mark Chapter 7
Mark Chapter 8
- Food for 4000 people
- Powerful things
- Ideas that are like yeast
- A man born blind
- Jesus is the Christ
- Troubles for the Christ
- Troubles for God's people
Mark Chapter 9
- Jesus with Moses and Elijah
- Elijah and John
- God can do all things
- The Disciples' Wrong Ideas
- Bad Things That People Do
- The disciples must love each other
Mark Chapter 10
- Jesus speaks about divorce
- Jesus and the children
- Jesus and The Rich Man
- God is kind to his people
- Jesus' journey to Jerusalem
- James and John speak to Jesus
- The Blind Man Called Bartimaeus
Mark Chapter 11
- Christ The King Comes to Jerusalem
- A Tree Without Fruit
- The Market in The Temple
- Jesus Teaches The Disciples to Believe
- Jesus' Authority
Mark Chapter 12
- The Garden and The Cruel Workers
- The Pharisees' Question
- The Sadducees' Question
- The Teacher's Question
- The Son of David
- People Who Think That They Are Great
- The Woman Who Gave Everything
Mark Chapter 13
- Jesus Describes Future Troubles
- Events Before Jesus' Return
- Troubles for Christians
- The Worst Troubles
- We must prepare for Jesus' return
- Be Ready!
Mark Chapter 14
- An Expensive Gift For Jesus
- Judas Decides to Help The Priests
- The Passover Meal
- Bread and Wine
- Peter's Promise
- Jesus in Gethsemane
- Judas Kisses Jesus
- Jesus and Caiaphas
- Caiaphas's Question
- People Hurt Jesus
- Peter Is Afraid
Mark Chapter 15
- Jesus and Pilate
- The Soldiers Hurt Jesus
- The Cross
- The People Near Jesus' Cross
- The End of Jesus' life
- Jesus' Death and The Events After It
- Women Who Loved Jesus
- Joseph From Arimathea