Job 1:13-22

Satan destroys all Job's things

13 One day, Job's sons and daughters were at a party in the home of his oldest son. 14 A servant brought a message to Job. He said, ‘We were using your oxen to plough the fields. Your donkeys were eating grass beside them. 15 Some men from Sheba suddenly came and they attacked us. They took away all your oxen and your donkeys. They also killed all your other servants. I was the only one who escaped. I ran here to tell you what has happened.’

16 That servant was still speaking, when another servant arrived. He said to Job, ‘God has sent lightning down from the sky. It has killed your sheep and your servants. I was the only one who escaped. I ran here to tell you what has happened.’

17 Before that servant had finished speaking, a third servant arrived. He said to Job, ‘Some robbers from Chaldea suddenly attacked us. They took away all your camels and they killed your servants. I was the only one who escaped. I ran here to tell you what has happened.’

18 That servant was still speaking, when a fourth servant arrived. He said to Job, ‘Your children were eating a feast at a party in the home of your oldest son. 19 Suddenly there was a strong storm that came from the desert. The wind destroyed the house where your children were. The house fell on them and it killed them. I was the only one who escaped. I ran here to tell you what has happened.’

20 When Job heard this news he was very upset. He tore his clothes and he cut off all his hair. Then he bent down low on the ground to worship God. 21 He said, ‘When I was born, I had nothing. When I die, I will take nothing with me. The Lord has given me all the things that I have. The Lord may choose to take those things away. I will continue to praise the name of the Lord!’

22 Even after all these things had happened, Job still did not do anything bad. He did not say that God had done something wrong to him.