Job 1:6-12

Satan meets with God

6 One day, the angels came to meet with the Lord in heaven. Satan also came and he stood there with them. 7 The Lord said to Satan, ‘Where have you come from?’ Satan replied, ‘I have been travelling all over the earth. I have been watching the things that happen there.’

1:6When we write Lord like this, it is a special name for God. Sometimes people write it as ‘Yahweh’, or as ‘Jehovah’. It is his own name that he told Moses. See Exodus 3:14. It means ‘I am who I am’. This shows that God has always been there and he always will be there.

8 Then the Lord said to Satan, ‘You have seen Job, who is my servant. What do you think about him? There is no one on earth that is like him. He is a good and honest man. He is afraid to make me angry. He refuses to do evil things.’

9 Satan answered the Lord, ‘There is a very good reason why Job obeys you. 10 You do not let any bad things happen to him. You keep him, his family and all his things safe. You have given him success with everything that he does. His many farm animals are everywhere! 11 You should take away from him all the things that he has. Then he will certainly curse you very strongly.’

12 So the Lord said to Satan, ‘I agree to give you power over all the things that belong to Job. But you must do nothing to hurt Job himself.’

After that, Satan went away.

1:12Some of the events in this part of the book happen in heaven. Job does not know about these events. So he does not know why all the bad things have happened to him.