Job 11

Job's friend Zophar speaks to him

11:1Zophar tells Job that God knows everything. So Job must have done wrong things and God is punishing him. If he stops doing wrong things, he will be happy again.

1 Job's friend Zophar, who came from Naamah, decided to speak. He said this to Job:

2 ‘Someone must answer all these words that you have spoken.

You have talked a lot,

but that does not mean that you are right.

3 Your proud words will not cause other people to say nothing.

We must make you ashamed when you laugh at us.

4 You have said, “The things that I teach are true.

God knows that I am a good man.”

5 So God himself should answer you.

He should tell you what he thinks.

6 He would show you the secret of wisdom.

True wisdom is not easy to understand.

But you must understand this:

God is punishing you less than you deserve.

7 You cannot discover everything about God.

You cannot know how powerful he is.

8 His power goes higher than the sky.

You cannot do anything about that.

His power goes deeper than the place of death.

You cannot know all about that.

9 The truth about God is wider than the whole earth.

It goes far beyond the sea.

10 God may catch you and put you in prison.

He may accuse you in a court.

Nobody can stop him doing that.

11 God knows the people who are not honest.

He sees the evil things that they do.

12 Wild donkeys never give birth to human children.

And foolish people never become wise!

13 As for you, Job, you should be faithful to God.

Raise your hands and pray to God.

14 If you want to do an evil thing,

stop yourself from doing it.

Do not let people do wrong things in your home.

15 Do what I say. Then you will not be ashamed any more.

Instead, you will be strong. You will not be afraid.

16 You will forget about your trouble.

It will be like water that has disappeared.

You will not remember it.

17 You will have a happy life

that is brighter than the sun at noon.

Even if trouble makes it dark,

it will still seem like a bright morning.

18 You will be safe as you trust God.

God will protect you.

You will be able to rest safely.

19 When you lie down to sleep,

you will not be afraid of anyone.

Many people will ask you to help them.

20 But wicked people will not find any help.

They cannot escape from their troubles.

They can only hope to die.’