The big boat – Genesis 6:11-16
God told Noah it was going to rain.
It was going to rain a lot.
There was going to be a big flood.
God said to Noah,
“Build a big boat. Make a door.
Make a window and a roof.
Make an upstairs and a downstairs.”
Noah obeyed God.
He built a big boat.
It had a door and a window and a roof.
It had an upstairs and a downstairs.
Then God told Noah to find
two of every animal and bird.
They were to go into the boat.
Noah put them all in the boat.
He did what God told him to do.
Then God told Noah to go into the boat
with all his family.
God told Noah to take
lots of food and drink with him.
So Noah went into the boat
with all his family.
He did all the things God told him to do.