Jesus eats his last meal with his friends – Matthew 26:17-30
Jesus’ friends made a meal for him.
It was a very important day.
When everything was ready, they all sat down.
There were twelve of them and Jesus.
They sat at a big table and ate their meal.
Jesus said, “One of you is not really my friend.”
His friends were sad; they did not understand this.
Judas said to Jesus, “You don’t mean me?”
Jesus said, “So you say.”
He knew that Judas would let him down.
Jesus took some bread and gave thanks to God.
He broke the bread into pieces.
He said, “Eat some of this bread.”
Then he took the big cup of wine.
He gave it to his friends. He told them all to have a drink.
Jesus did this so that they would remember him.
Then they all went out.
Christians today have bread
and wine to remember Jesus.