What Does God Want From Us?
In the Bible, the prophet Micah said:
‘I must know what to bring when I come. I bend down to I must know what to offer when I bend down. He is God and he is greater than everything. Perhaps he would like it if I burn young cows one year old for him. or ten thousand rivers of I have not obeyed God. I might even kill and burn my oldest son, because of that. I have done wrong things and I must pay God for that. Perhaps, if I give my own child to him, that will be enough to pay.’ ‘You must be fair to other people,’ God says. ‘You must want to be kind. And you must be careful to do what I show you.’What God wants from his people
In the Bible, the apostle John wrote:
God forgives our sins because of Jesus' death
To find out more about how to please God, see: What is a Christian?