Luke 9:46-48

Who will be the greatest?

About the next group of questions

We need to know whom Jesus thinks are important people. And we need to know what he thinks about pride.


Ask God to show you whether you are proud. And ask him to help you as you study this short lesson.

Read: Luke 9:46-48

9:46 What were the disciples arguing about?

9:47 Why did Jesus place the child by him? Why do you think that Jesus likes children?

9:48 Whom do we really receive into our lives when we receive a child in the name of Jesus? Whom do we really receive into our lives when we receive Jesus? Who really is the greatest? What does this teach us about wanting honour for ourselves?

Final remarks

Jesus knows what we are thinking. This can frighten us if we are proud. He knows when we want to do good. And he understands how we feel. He teaches us that we should be humble and not proud. Children are important to him and so we should be good to them.


Jesus, help me to be humble. And help me not to think that I am better than other people are. Help me to respect everyone, including little children. Amen.