Luke 24:50-53

Jesus goes into heaven

About the next group of questions

Jesus did not stay on this earth. This passage tells us what happened to him. It also tells us what the disciples did after that.


Ask God to help you to learn something special from this last study in the book of Luke.

Read: Luke 24:50-53

24:50 Where did Jesus lead the disciples to?

24:51 What did Jesus do before he left the disciples? Where did Jesus go?

24:52 What did the disciples do as he was leaving? How did the disciples feel as they went back to Jerusalem?

24:53 What did the disciples do in Jerusalem? They waited for the power that God had promised. How did they spend their time while they waited?

Final remarks

This is the end of the account of Jesus’ life on earth. The disciples were so glad that Jesus was alive. They were glad although they could not see him now. They believed that he would send them power to obey him. Jesus is alive in heaven now. We too can be glad. And we too can receive God’s power by his Holy Spirit.


Thank you Lord Jesus that I can have your power by the Holy Spirit. I want to do everything that you tell me to do. Fill me with your power so that I may obey you. Amen.