Luke 23:44-49
The death of Jesus
About the next group of questions
This account of the death of Jesus tells us a lot about him and about his followers.
Ask God to help you to study this passage and to learn from it.
Read: Luke 23:44-49
23:44 What happened between 12 midday and 3 in the afternoon?
23:45 What happened to the curtain of the
23:46 What did Jesus cry to His Father at the moment of his death?
23:47 What did the army officer say about Jesus?
23:48 The people saw how Jesus died. What did they do when they saw that?
23:49 What did Jesus’ followers do while everything was happening? Where had the women who followed him come from?
Final remarks
The darkness was the evidence that Jesus was suffering punishment for our evil deeds. After this had happened, he gave his life back to God. The curtain in the
Father, help me to understand why Jesus died. Thank you that you can forgive my evil deeds and that I can know you.