Luke 22:54-62
Peter denies that he knows Jesus
About the next group of questions
Peter had said, ‘I will never deny that I know you, Jesus.’ Here we read about what happened to Peter.
Ask God to help you to study this sad passage and to learn from it today.
Read: Luke 22:54-62
22:54 Where did the crowd first take Jesus? Who followed them at a distance?
22:55 What did the crowd do then?
22:56 Who saw Peter when he sat by the fire with the crowd? What did the female servant say about Peter?
22:57-60 How many times did Peter say that he did not know Jesus?
22:60 Peter said that he did not know Jesus. What happened after that?
22:61 What did the
22:62 What did Peter do then?
Final remarks
We may sometimes be tempted to say that we do not know Jesus. This might be because we are afraid of what people might say. We might be afraid of what people could do. But if we do say this, then
Dear Jesus, please give me the courage to let other people know that I follow you. When I am doing what you want, other people might not like it. Help me not to worry about what they think about me. Help me not to worry about what they will do to me.