Psalm 54:1-7
God keeps me safe
54:1Saul wanted to kill David. David went to Ziph to hide from Saul. Ziph was near where David's family lived. David gave help to the people of Ziph to fight their enemies. But the men of Ziph told Saul where David was.
Use your power to show that I am right.
and listen carefully to what I am saying.
Cruel people want to kill me.
They do not
54:3In verses 1-3 David is asking for help because of who God is.
Please do what you have promised
and destroy them.
Lord, you are always good,
so I want to
When I looked at my enemies,
I see that I have won against them.
54:7In verses 4-7 David has received God's help, so he praises God for who he is (his name).