Matthew 21:12-13

Jesus visits the temple

12 Jesus then went into the yard of the temple. People were buying and selling things there. Jesus made them all leave that place. He pushed over the tables of the men who changed coins. He also pushed over the seats of the men who sold birds.

21:12the temple had a wall round it. Only the priests went into the temple. The priests let the people go through the gate in the wall. They came together in the yard outside the temple.
21:12The people had to use different money in the temple. They had to sell their own money and buy this different money. With this, they could buy special birds and animals to give as gifts to God.

13 Jesus spoke to them all. He said, ‘The Bible says, “God's house will be a place where people come together to pray.” But you have changed it into a place where robbers meet.’