Luke 22:1-6

Judas agrees to catch Jesus

1 The Passover festival when the Jews eat flat bread was coming soon.

22:1‘Flat bread’ is bread which has no yeast in it. We can read about the Passover meal in Exodus 12.

2 The leaders of the priests and the teachers of God's Law wanted to kill Jesus. They were talking together about how they could do this. It was difficult because they were afraid of the people.

3 Then Satan began to live inside Judas Iscariot. Judas was one of Jesus' 12 apostles. 4 He went to the leaders of the priests and he talked with them. The police that worked at the temple were also there. Judas told them how he could give Jesus to them secretly. 5 They were very happy and they promised to give him some money to do this. 6 So Judas said that he would do it. Then he waited for the right moment to help them to take hold of Jesus. He wanted to do it when the crowd was not there with Jesus.