Job 42:1-6

Job replies to God

42:1Job has heard God speak. Job has heard God speak about himself. And now Job sees that God's wisdom is so much greater than Job's wisdom. He sees that God's power is so much greater than the power of any man. Job is now sorry about the things that he said. He is ready to believe God again.

1 Then Job replied to the Lord. He said this:

2 ‘I know that you can do all things.

You can do anything that you want to do.

Nobody can stop you.

3 You asked me, “Why do you ask questions about my wisdom,

when you do not understand anything?”

It is true. I was speaking about things that I do not understand.

They are things that are too wonderful for me to know.

4 You said to me, “Listen carefully to what I will say.

I will ask you questions and you must answer them.”

5 In the past, I had heard about you from other people.

Now I have seen you for myself.

6 So I am ashamed of the things that I said.

I sit here in dirt and in ashes

to show you that I am very sorry.’