11 The Lord says, ‘All your sacrifices are not important to me. I have received too many sacrifices that you have burned as gifts to me. I have received too many sheep and fat animals. I do not want any more blood from bulls, goats and lambs that you have offered to me as sacrifices. They do not give me any pleasure.
12 You come to worship me in my temple. But are you doing what I want? Did I ask you to march round the temple yards with all your animals?
13 Do not bring any more useless gifts to offer to me! I do not like your incense. You like to have feasts at new moons, or on Sabbath days. But because of your sins, I hate all your holy meetings.
14 I hate your new moon feasts and your holy meetings. They have become like a heavy load for me. I cannot carry it any longer!
15 When you lift up your hands to pray to me, I have to look away. Even if you pray very many times to me, I do not listen to you, because your hands are full of blood.
1:15‘your hands are full of blood’ means that they have killed people, and they have done many bad things.
16 Wash yourselves and make yourselves clean! Remove your sins, so that I no longer see them. Stop doing evil things!
17 Instead, learn to do what is right. Be honest and fair in what you do. Help people who are in pain. Make sure that widows and children who have no family receive justice.’
18 The Lord says, ‘Please come, so that we talk about this together. Even if your sins are like a red stain, they will become as white as snow. Even if they are bright red, they will become like white wool.
1:18God is saying that he will forgive them, even if their sins are very bad. A stain is a strong mark that spoils something that is nice.
19 I will forgive you if you agree to obey me. If you are ready to do that, you will again eat plenty of good food from the land. 20 But if you refuse to obey me and you turn against me, you will die in war.’
That is what the Lord himself has said.