Hebrews 6:20

20 Jesus has already gone in there. He has gone there before us, on our behalf. He has become our special priest for ever, in the same way that Melchizedek was God's priest.

6:19A ship with an anchor is safe, because it cannot move. When we trust Jesus, we can be completely sure about what God has promised us. God has promised to give us life with him for ever because of Jesus.
6:20In the Old Testament God told his people to build a special house where they could worship him. Behind a curtain in that house there was a very special place that belonged to God himself. Only the leader of the priests could go into that room, on one special day each year. See Leviticus 16:2 and Hebrews 9:7. That special house was like a picture of what is really true in heaven, where God himself lives. Jesus is our special priest. When he died on the cross, God tore that curtain into two pieces. See Matthew 27:51. This showed that Jesus had opened the way to heaven for us. Jesus brings us near to God himself. See also Hebrews 8:1-9:28.