Ezekiel 32

A funeral song for Egypt and its king

1 The Lord gave this message to me on the first day of the 12th month, in the 12th year: 2 ‘Son of man, sing a funeral song about Pharaoh, king of Egypt. Say this to him:

“You have shown your power among the nations,

like a strong lion.

But really you are a monster who lives in the sea.

You live in the rivers of your country.

You beat the water with your feet.

The water of your streams becomes dirty.

3 This is what the Almighty Lord says:

I will bring a big crowd of people together

to catch you in my net.

They will use my net to pull you out of the water.

4 I will throw you onto dry ground

and I will leave you there.

I will bring the birds to fly down from the sky

and sit on you.

I will bring the wild animals to feed themselves on you,

and eat as much as they want.

5 I will put the meat of your body on the mountains.

Your bones will fill the valleys.

6 I will make the ground wet with your blood.

It will pour out of you, up to the mountains.

And it will fill the deep valleys.

7 When I completely destroy you,

I will cover the sky and make the stars become dark.

I will cover the sun with a cloud.

The moon will no longer give any light.

8 I will make the sky over you become dark,

with no lights in it.

Your whole country will become dark.

That is what the Almighty Lord says.

9 When many other nations know that I have destroyed you,

they will be afraid.

Foreign nations that you do not know will be very upset.

10 The people of many countries will be afraid

when they see what I have done to you.

Their kings will shake with fear.

When I wave my sword in front of them,

they will not stop shaking!

At the time that your life finishes,

they will also fear death.

11 This is what the Almighty Lord says:

The king of Babylon will attack you with his army.

12 His brave soldiers will fight against you.

I will cause them to destroy your army.

They are the most cruel of all the nations.

They will stop Egypt's people being proud of their power.

They will destroy all Egypt's armies.

13 I will destroy all Egypt's cows that live beside its great rivers.

So no people or animals will walk in the water any more.

They will not cause the water to become dirty.

14 Then I will cause the water in the rivers to be clean again.

The water will move freely like olive oil.

That is what the Almighty Lord says.

15 I will cause Egypt to become an empty place.

I will remove everything that grows on the land.

I will kill all the people who live there.

Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

16 That is the funeral song that they will sing about Egypt. Women of many nations will sing it. They will sing it because of the death of Egypt and all her people. That is what the Almighty Lord says.’

17 In the 12th year, the Lord gave this message to me on the 15th day of the month: 18 ‘Son of man, weep for the many people of Egypt. Send them down to the place of dead people, deep under the ground. They will be there in their graves with the people of other powerful nations. 19 Say to them, “You think you are more beautiful than the people of other nations. But you too must go down to lie in your graves among those who do not belong to God.”

20 An enemy has come to attack Egypt! Many of its people will die among the soldiers who die in battle. The enemy will take many of Egypt's people away as their prisoners. 21 In the place of dead people, brave soldiers will welcome the people of Egypt and those who helped them. They will say, “They have come down to join us who do not belong to God. They have died in battle and now they lie in their graves.”

22 The people of Assyria and its whole army are there in their graves! All of them died in battle. 23 Their graves are in the deepest parts of the deep hole of death. Soldiers who fought with them lie all around. They were very cruel to people when they were alive. But they died in battle and now they lie in their graves.

24 The people of Elam and its whole army are also there! All of them died in battle too. They were cruel to many people when they were alive. Now they have gone down deep below the ground, as people who do not belong to God. They are ashamed to join with other people in the deep hole of death. 25 Elam lies there on a bed that people have prepared for her. All Elam's soldiers lie around its grave. None of them belongs to God and they have all died in battle. When they were alive, they made people very afraid. But now they are ashamed, as they lie in their graves among other dead people in the deep hole of death.

26 Meshech and Tubal are also there in their graves, with their soldiers all around. When they were alive, they made people very afraid. Now they have all died in battle and none of them belongs to God. 27 They do not lie with the brave dead soldiers of long ago. Those men went down into their graves with honour. People buried them with their weapons. They put their swords under their heads. When those brave men were alive, they caused people to be very afraid of them.

28 You too, Egypt, will lie in your grave among those who do not belong to God. You will lie beside other people who died in battle.

29 Edom is there, too, with its kings and leaders. They were powerful, but now they lie in their graves, among those who have died in battle. They have gone down into the deep hole of death with those who do not belong to God.

30 All the rulers of the north are there, as well as all the people of Sidon. They used their power to make people very afraid. But now they are ashamed, like other people who have gone down into the deep hole of death. They lie in their graves with those who have died in battle, and they do not belong to God.

31 The Almighty Lord says this: Pharaoh will not feel so sad when he sees all these other dead people in their graves. He and his whole army will know that they are not the only people to have died in battle. 32 When he was alive, I caused him to make people very afraid. But Pharaoh and all his great army will lie in their graves among other people who died in battle. They will lie with people who do not belong to God. That is what I, the Almighty Lord, have said.’