1 Peter 5:12-14

Peter finishes his letter

12 Silas has helped me to write this short letter to you. I know that he continues to trust Christ well. I have written to you because I want you to be strong. I have told you how God is kind to us and he helps us. This is God's true message to you. So continue to believe it and be strong.

5:12Silas was a leader of the Christians who were at Jerusalem, along with Peter. See Acts 15:22.

13 The believers here in Babylon say ‘hello’ to you. God has chosen them as his people, together with you. Mark, who is like my son, also says ‘hello’ to you. 14 When you meet, kiss each other as Christian brothers and sisters.

5:13‘Babylon’ here probably means Rome, the capital city of Italy. At that time, the king of Rome (Caesar) ruled many countries. His soldiers were causing a lot of trouble for Christians. Many years earlier, people from Babylon had caused a lot of trouble for Israel's people. So the Christians used Babylon as a secret name for Rome.

I pray for all of you who belong to Christ. I pray that God will give you peace in your minds.