Chapter 5 Questions

5:1 What does a chief priest do for you?

5:2 Why can a chief priest be such a help to you?

5:3 Whose sins does a chief priest make a sacrifice for?

5:4 Could you decide to be a chief priest? Who decided to make Jesus a chief priest?

5:5 Did Jesus himself decide to be a chief priest?

5:6 For how long would Jesus be a chief priest?

5:7 Why did Jesus pray to God?

5:8 Why did Jesus need to have pain?

5:9 What is Jesus the source of?

5:10 What did God call Jesus to be?

5:11 How willing are you to learn God’s word?

5:12 What did the Hebrews still need to learn?

5:13 Who are like babies? Why is that?

5:14 Who can use the solid food of God’s word? What for?