Luke 9:28-36

Three disciples see the change in how Jesus looked

About the next group of questions

In this story Jesus, especially chose three followers. They saw the change in how Jesus looked. That helped them to understand who he was. They also saw two people from the Old Testament. The two people were talking to Jesus about what would happen to him in Jerusalem.


Ask God to help you to learn important truths as you study today.

Read: Luke 9:28-36

9:28 Whom did Jesus take with him up a mountain when he went to pray?

9:29 What happened to Jesus as he was praying?

9:30 Who came and talked with Jesus as he prayed?

9:31 What were Moses and Elijah talking to Jesus about?

9:32 What did Peter and his companions see when they awoke?

9:33 What did Peter want to do as the two men were leaving?

9:34 What happened as Peter was speaking?

9:35 Who spoke out of the cloud? To whom should the disciples listen?

9:36 What happened after the voice had spoken? Did the disciples tell other people about what they had seen?

Final remarks

The voice told the disciples that Jesus was the Son of God. And what they saw helped them to believe. Moses and Elijah were from Old Testament times. And in the Old Testament we read that Jesus would die. This should have given them strength when Jesus did die at the right time. We need to believe that God can help us. He can help us even when things are difficult.


Help me, Lord always to listen to Jesus. And help me to obey him. Help me to trust your word. Amen.