This Dictionary explains the meaning of more than 1,000 difficult words that are in the EasyEnglish Bible. The dictionary uses a vocabulary of 2800 words. So it is suitable for people who are learning English.
The EasyEnglish Bible is a translation into simple English of all the books in the Bible. Also, there are explanations about many books of the Bible. You can read all these books at www.easyenglish.bible. And it is free.
- Ab
- Abaddon
- Abba
- Abiezrites
- abortion
- Abraham
- abyss
- acacia
- accuse
- Achaia
- action
- AD
- Adam
- Adar
- adder
- Adonai
- adoration
- adulterer
- adulteress
- adultery
- advice
- advisor
- affair
- against
- agate
- agony
- agreement
- aha
- algum
- alien
- all day long
- all my heart
- allow
- almighty
- Almighty God
- almond
- aloe
- aloes
- altar
- Amalekite
- Amalekites
- ambassador
- Amen
- amethyst
- Ammon
- Ammonite
- Ammonites
- Amorite
- Amorites
- Anakite
- ancestor
- ancestors
- anchor
- angel
- angel of the LORD
- angels
- anger
- angrily
- ankle
- anoint
- anointed
- ant
- Antichrist
- ants
- anxiety
- anxious
- Apocalypse
- apostasy
- apostle
- apple of your eye
- appoint
- aqueduct
- Arab
- Arabah
- Aram
- Aramaic
- archaeologist
- archangel
- archer
- argument
- ariel
- ark
- armour
- arrow
- arrows
- Asaph
- ascend
- ascension
- Ashdod
- Asherah
- Asherah pole
- Asherah poles
- ashes
- Ashkelon
- Ashtoreth
- Asia
- Assyria
- Assyrian
- Assyrians
- astrologer
- Athens
- athlete
- atone
- atonement
- authorities
- avenger
- Avvites
- awe
- axle
- Baal
- Babylon
- Babylonians
- background
- backsliding
- badger
- bait
- balance
- balsam
- bandage
- banner
- banners
- banquet
- banquet hall
- baptise
- baptism
- Baptist
- baptize
- bare
- barley
- barn
- barrel
- barren
- bars
- base
- Bashan
- bat
- bath
- battle
- battle cry
- BC
- beans
- bear
- beating
- beauty
- beauty treatments
- bee
- Beersheba
- bees
- before
- beg
- being
- Bel
- belief
- believe
- believer
- belong to
- belongs
- beloved
- bema
- benediction
- Benjamin
- Benjamites
- Berea
- beryl
- Bethel
- betray
- betrayal
- betrothal
- Beulah
- bier
- bird catcher
- birthright
- bishop
- bit
- bitter
- blacksmith
- blame
- blameless
- blaspheme
- blasphemy
- bless
- blessed
- blessing
- blind
- blood-avenger
- blunt
- boast
- boil
- boldness
- border
- borrow
- bow
- bow down
- bowl
- Bozrah
- brambles
- break
- breast
- breastpiece
- breastplate
- breath
- breathe
- briars
- bribe
- brick
- bricks
- bride
- bridegroom
- bridle
- brier
- broken
- broken hearts
- bronze
- brother
- bull
- bundle
- burden
- burial
- burial place
- burnt offering
- burnt offerings
- burnt offerings and sacrifices
- butterfly
- Caesar
- Caesarea
- calamus
- calf
- call
- calm
- Calneh
- Calvary
- camel
- camp
- Canaan
- Canaanite
- Canaanites
- canal
- cane
- captive
- captivity
- caravan
- care
- Carites
- Carmel
- carpenter
- cart
- cassia
- cast
- castle
- caterpillar
- catholic
- cave
- cedar
- celebrate
- celebration
- cement
- census
- centurion
- chaff
- chain
- chains
- Chaldea
- Chaldean
- Chaldeans
- chariot
- chariots
- charmer
- charms
- cheat
- checks
- Cherethite
- cherub
- cherubim
- chief
- children of Israel
- Christ
- Christian
- Christianity
- chrysolite
- church
- cinnamon
- circumcise
- circumcise, circumcision
- circumcision
- circumcision party
- citizen
- City of David
- clan
- clap
- clay
- clean
- cleanse
- Clement of Rome
- cloak
- coal
- cobra
- cock
- cockerel
- coffin
- collar
- collection
- colonnade
- colony
- column
- comfort
- Comforter
- command
- commander
- commandment
- commission
- Communion
- complaining
- complete
- conceive
- concern
- concubine
- condemned
- confess
- confession
- congregation
- conquer
- conscience
- consecrate
- consider
- contempt
- converts
- convulsion
- copper
- coral
- coriander
- Corinth
- corn
- cornerstone
- correction
- couch
- council
- court
- courts
- courtyard
- covenant
- Covenant Box
- covet
- craftsman
- crawl
- create
- created
- creation
- Creator
- creature
- Crete
- crime
- croak
- crocodile
- crop
- crops
- cross
- crown
- crucifixion
- crucify
- cruel
- cruelty
- crush
- cry
- cubit
- cummin
- cupbearer
- curse
- Cush
- custom
- cymbal
- cymbals
- cypress
- cypress tree
- dam
- Damascus
- damn
- damnation
- Danites
- daric
- darkness
- date
- dates
- daughter-in-law
- Daughter of a city
- Daughter of Zion
- Daughters of Jerusalem
- Daughters of Zion
- David
- day of the Lord
- deacon
- deaf
- dear
- death-wish
- deceive
- decent
- decree
- dedicate
- dedication
- deed
- deep sleep
- deer
- defence
- defences
- defend
- deliverer
- demon
- den
- depressed
- descendant
- descendant of
- descendants
- desert
- deserve
- despair
- devil
- dew
- Diaspora
- dice
- dill
- dip
- dirty
- disappear
- disciple
- disciples
- disgrace
- disgusting
- disobedience
- disobey
- distress
- divide
- divine
- diviner
- divorce
- divorce-notice
- doctrine
- dog
- donkey
- doubt
- dough
- dove
- doves
- drag
- dragon
- dribbling
- drink offering
- drum
- drums
- drunk
- dumb
- dung
- dust
- eager
- eagle
- earthly
- earthquake
- Easter
- eater
- Edom
- Edomites
- Egypt
- Egyptian
- Egyptians
- Ekron
- Elamites
- elder
- elders
- eldest
- elephant
- Elijah
- Elisha
- Elohim
- Elul
- Elyon
- emerald
- Emmanuel
- emperor
- empire
- enchanter
- endure
- enemy
- entrance
- envy
- ephah
- ephod
- Ephraim
- Ephrathites
- Epiphany
- epistle
- erect
- Esau
- escape
- eschatological
- eternal
- eternal life
- eternity
- Ethiopia
- eunuch
- evangelist
- ever
- everlasting
- everlasting life
- evermore
- everyday
- evil
- exalted
- examine
- excuse
- exile
- exodus
- exorcise
- faith
- faith in God
- faithful
- fall
- false
- falter
- family
- family-redeemer
- family tree
- famine
- fast
- fat
- Fate
- father
- fatherless
- fathers
- fault
- fear
- feast
- Feast of Purim
- Feast of Tabernacles
- Feast of Tents
- feathers
- feelings
- feet
- fellowship
- fence
- fertile
- festival
- Festival of Lights
- Festival of Purim
- Festival of Tabernacles
- fetters
- fever
- fig
- fig tree
- fig trees
- fin
- fins
- fir
- firstborn
- firstborn son
- fisherman
- flag
- flame
- flames
- flashes of lightning
- flat bread
- flax
- fled
- flock
- flood
- flow
- flute
- foam
- foe
- follow
- foolish
- fools
- foot
- for ever
- ford
- forefather
- foreigner
- foreskin
- forgive
- forgive, forgiveness
- forgiveness
- fortress
- foundation
- foundations
- founded
- fountain
- fox
- frame
- frankincense
- freedom
- friendship offering
- frog
- frost
- fruit
- funeral
- furious
- furrows
- fury
- galbanum
- gall
- gallop
- gallows
- gamble
- garbage
- gatekeeper
- Gath
- Gaza
- gazelle
- Gehenna
- generation
- Gentile
- gentleness
- gerah
- get away with
- Gethsemane
- ghost
- Gibeonite
- Gilead
- Gileadites
- Gilgal
- Girgashites
- Gittith
- give birth
- give glory
- glean
- glorify
- glorious
- glory
- gnash
- gnat
- God of Truth
- godless
- godliness
- godly
- gods
- God's Great House
- God's Law
- God's way
- golden
- Golgotha
- Gomorrah
- Good News
- goodness
- Gospel
- governor
- grace
- gracious
- grain
- grain offering
- grains of sand
- gram
- grape
- grapes
- grasshopper
- grave
- Greece
- greed
- greedy
- Greek
- groan
- grow-up
- growl
- grub
- guarantee
- guard
- guideline
- guilt
- guilt offering
- guilty
- guitar
- gum
- gum resin
- hail
- hairy
- hall
- hallelujah
- Hamath
- harem
- harlot
- harm
- Harmon
- harp
- harpist
- hart
- harvest
- harvester
- hate
- have mercy
- hawk
- heal
- healing
- healthy
- heap
- heart
- heathen
- heaven
- heavenly
- heavens
- Hebrew
- hedgehog
- heel
- heir
- held
- hell
- helmet
- help
- helper
- helpless
- henna
- Hephzibah
- herald
- herb
- herbs
- herd
- herdsman
- Higgaion
- high place
- high places
- high priest
- higher
- hin
- hind
- hinder
- hip
- history
- Hittite
- Hittites
- Hivite
- Hivites
- hoe
- holiness
- holy
- holy land
- holy of holies
- Holy One
- Holy Place
- Holy Scripture
- Holy Spirit
- homer
- honest
- honey
- honeycomb
- honour
- hook
- hooves
- hope
- Horites
- horn
- horns of the altar
- horseman
- Hosanna
- Hosea
- house of David
- House of God
- House of Jacob
- house of Jeroboam
- household
- hoy
- huge
- human
- human beings
- humanity
- humble
- humility
- hunger
- hunt
- hunting
- husk
- hyena
- hyenas
- hymn
- hypocrite
- hyssop
- icy
- idiom
- idol
- image
- images
- Immanuel
- imprecation
- in awe
- in front
- in need
- in secret
- in the name of the LORD
- incarnation
- incense
- inherit
- inheritance
- injury
- inn
- instructions
- instrument
- insult
- invisible
- irons
- Isaac
- Ishmaelite
- Ishmaelites
- Israel
- Israelite
- Israelites
- it overflows
- Italy
- ivory
- Iyyar
- Jabbok
- jacinth
- jackal
- jackals
- Jacob
- jargon
- jasper
- javelin
- jealous
- jealousy
- Jebusite
- Jebusites
- Jehovah
- Jericho
- Jerusalem
- Jeshurun
- Jesse
- Jesus
- Jew
- jewellery
- jewels
- Jewish
- Jews
- Jordan
- Joseph
- joy
- Jubilee
- Judah
- Judaisers
- Judaism
- Judea
- judge
- judgement
- judgement seat
- juice
- justice
- justification
- justified
- justify
- Karnaim
- keep a promise
- keeper
- Kenites
- Kerethite
- Kerethites
- Kerioth
- kidney
- Kidron
- kilo
- kindness
- kingdom
- kingdom of God
- kingdom of heaven
- kingdom of light
- kinsman-redeemer
- Kir
- Kislev
- kneel
- knelt
- knowledge
- Korah
- labour
- lamb
- Lamb of God
- lame
- lamp
- lampstand
- lance
- lattice
- laugh at
- laugh at somebody
- law
- law books
- law-court
- lawless
- laws
- lawyer
- leavened
- Lebanon
- leech
- lees
- legion
- lentils
- leopard
- leper
- leprosy
- Levi
- Leviathan
- levirate
- Levite
- Levites
- liar
- lice
- lie
- lies
- life
- lifetime
- lightning
- like
- lily
- lime
- linen
- lion
- lioness
- liquid
- liquid myrrh
- listen
- liver
- livestock
- lizard
- Lo-Debar
- lock
- locust
- locusts
- look
- look after
- lord
- LORD Almighty
- LORD God Almighty
- Lord, lord
- Lord's Supper
- lot
- lots
- love feasts
- lover
- lowly
- loyal
- loyalty
- luck
- lute
- lyre
- Macedonia
- maggot
- maggots
- magic
- magician
- mahalath leannoth
- Mahanaim
- Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz
- majesty
- make a promise
- maker
- malaria
- man of God
- mandrake
- mankiller
- manna
- manuscript
- Maonites
- Mara
- marble
- Marchesvan
- marsh
- martyr
- maskil
- Massah
- mat
- mate
- mature
- Medes
- mediator
- medium
- meek
- melt
- melted
- men of blood
- merchant
- merchants
- merciful
- mercy
- mercy, merciful
- Meribah
- messenger
- Messiah
- mice
- Midian
- Midianites
- mighty
- Mighty One
- miktam
- mildew
- Millo
- minister
- ministry
- miracle
- miraculous
- missing
- missionary
- mist
- mistress
- Moab
- Moabite
- Moabites
- model
- money-changers
- monster
- mortar
- Moses
- Most-High
- Most Holy Place
- moth
- moths
- mould
- mount
- Mount Gilead
- Mount of Olives
- Mount Zion
- move
- mud
- mule
- murder
- murderer
- musical instrument
- musician
- musicians
- mustard
- muzzle
- my strength
- my wounds
- myrrh
- myrtle
- mysterious
- nail
- nard
- Nathaniel
- nation
- nature
- navel
- Nazareth
- Nazirite
- Nebo
- necklace
- needle
- Negev
- neighbour
- nephew
- nest
- net
- New Testament
- Nile
- Nisan
- noble
- noisy
- nomad
- non-Christian
- nuptial
- nurse
- nut
- oak
- oar
- oath
- obedience
- obedient
- offal
- offer
- offering
- offerings
- official
- oil
- Old Testament
- olive
- olive oil
- olive-tree
- omer
- on my side
- onycha
- onyx
- Ophir
- opponent
- opposite
- opposition
- oppress
- oppressed
- oppression
- oppressor
- oppressors
- order
- Orion
- ornament
- orphan
- ostrich
- outcry
- oven
- overcome
- owl
- owls
- ox
- ox, oxen
- oxen
- pagan
- palace
- palm
- palm tree
- pan
- papyrus
- parable
- paradise
- paralysed
- pardon
- pardoned
- passage
- Passover
- Passover feast
- pastor
- patriarch
- pavement
- payment
- peace
- peace offering
- peace, peaceful
- pearl
- peddler
- peg
- pegs
- Pelethites
- Pentecost
- perfect
- perfume
- Perizzite
- Perizzites
- perjurer
- persecute
- persecution
- Persia
- Persian
- Persians
- pestilence
- Pharaoh
- Pharisee
- Philippi
- Philistine
- Philistines
- pigeon
- pilgrim
- pilgrims
- pillar
- pine
- pine tree
- pipe
- piss
- pit
- pitch
- plague
- plan
- plans
- play
- pleasant
- please
- pleased
- pleasing
- pledge
- Pleiades
- plough
- plumb line
- plumbline
- poem
- poet
- poetry
- pole
- pomegranate
- pool
- post
- posts
- potter
- power
- powers
- praise
- praise, praised
- pray
- prayer
- prayers
- preach
- preacher
- pregnant
- prey
- pride
- priest
- priests
- prince
- princess
- prisoner
- prize
- procession
- procurator
- profit
- promised land
- property
- prophecy
- prophesy
- prophet
- prophetess
- prostitute
- prostitution
- protect
- proud
- proudly
- prove
- proverb
- proverbs
- province
- provinces
- prune
- psalm
- psalmist
- Psalms
- Pul
- punish
- punishment
- pur
- pure
- pure gold
- purification
- purify
- Purim
- purple
- pus
- Rabbah
- Rabbi
- rabbit
- race
- Rachel
- raisin
- raisins
- ram
- ransom
- rat
- rattle
- raven
- real
- reap
- reaper
- rebel
- rectangular
- Red Sea
- redeem
- redeemer
- redemption
- redemptive
- reed
- refine
- refiner
- refuge
- refugee
- region
- reject
- rejoice
- relation
- relative
- religion
- religious
- religious holiday
- rely
- relying
- remind
- remnant
- repay
- repent
- repentance
- Rephaites
- reptile
- rescue
- respect
- respond
- response
- resting
- restless
- resurrection
- revelation
- reverence
- reward
- rib
- ribbon
- riches
- right hand
- righteous
- righteousness
- ripe
- roar
- robe
- Rock
- rod
- Roman
- Rome
- rooster
- root
- roots
- rope
- rough
- row
- royal
- royal crown
- rub
- rubbish
- ruby
- rudder
- ruler
- Ruth
- Sabaoth
- Sabbath
- sack
- sackcloth
- sacred
- sacrifice
- saddle
- Sadducee
- sadness
- safely
- safety
- saffron
- sail
- saint
- Salem
- salvation
- Samaria
- Samaritan
- sanctification
- sanctified
- sanctify
- sanctuary
- sandal
- sandals
- Sanhedrin
- sapphire
- Sarah
- Satan
- satisfied
- save
- Saviour
- saw
- sayings
- scales
- scarlet
- sceptre
- scorn
- scorpion
- scribe
- Scriptures
- scroll
- sea snake
- seal
- seaweed
- secretary
- security guards
- sedan chair
- seed
- seer
- Selah
- semen
- seraph
- sermon
- serpent
- servant
- serve
- set traps
- settle
- Shaddai
- shake
- shake, shook
- shaker
- shalom
- shame
- share
- shawl
- sheaf
- Shear Jashub
- sheaves
- Shebat
- shekel
- shelter
- Sheol
- shepherd
- shewbread
- shield
- Shiloah
- shipwreck
- shiver
- shofar
- shook
- shoot
- shovel
- showbread
- shrine
- shroud
- Shulammite
- Shunem
- shuttle
- sickle
- Sidonians
- siege
- sieve
- sign
- signet ring
- signs
- silence
- silent
- silk
- silver
- sin
- sin offering
- sin, sinned
- Sinai
- sinful
- sinner
- Sirion
- sister
- sister-in-law
- Sivan
- skilful
- skin
- skins
- skull
- slanderer
- slave
- slide
- sling
- slip
- snare
- snow
- soaked
- Sodom
- Sodom and Gomorrah
- soil
- solid
- Solomon's porch
- son
- Son of David
- Son of God
- Son of Man
- sons of God
- sons of Korah
- Sons of man
- soothing
- sorcerer
- sore
- soul
- sour
- sow
- sower
- spark
- sparrow
- spat
- spear
- spice
- spices
- spider
- spirit
- spiritist
- spiritual
- spit
- splash
- spoil
- sponge
- spring
- spring of water
- springs
- sprinkle
- squeeze
- staff
- stall
- statue
- steady
- steal
- Stephen
- stepmother
- stew
- steward
- stocks
- stolen
- stone
- storey
- stork
- strangle
- straw
- strength
- stress
- string
- stringed instrument
- stringed instruments
- stronghold
- stubble
- stupid
- suddenly
- suffer
- suffering
- sulphur
- swallow
- sweat
- sweeter
- sword
- sycamore
- sympathy
- synagogue
- Syria
- Syrian
- tabernacle
- take my life
- talent
- tambourine
- Tammuz
- tanner
- tar
- target
- tassel
- tax
- tax-collector
- teaching
- tears
- Tebeth
- Tekoa
- Teman
- temple
- tempt
- temptation
- tempted
- tempter
- ten-stringed harp
- tent
- tent-house
- Tent of Meeting
- terebinth
- terrible
- terror
- terrorist
- test
- tested
- testicles
- Testimony
- testing
- tetrarch
- thank offering
- thank you
- thanksgiving
- the poor
- thieves
- thirst
- thirst, thirsty
- thirsty
- thistle
- thorn
- thorn bush
- thorns
- thorny
- thorny bush
- thresh
- threshing floor
- throne
- thrush
- thumb
- Thummim
- thunder
- thundering
- Timothy
- Tishri
- tithe
- tithes
- tomb
- tongs
- tongue
- tongues
- topaz
- Torah
- torch
- tower
- trader
- tradition
- transfiguration
- trap
- traveller
- treason
- treasure
- tremble
- trial
- tribe
- tribute
- trinity
- trip
- triumph over
- troop
- trumpet
- trunk
- trust
- truth
- tumour
- tunic
- turban
- turn the fortunes
- turn your ear
- turned the fortunes
- turquoise
- turquoise-stones
- tusks
- twin
- Tyre
- unbeliever
- uncircumcised
- uncle
- unclean
- uncover
- unfaithful
- ungodly
- unhappy
- unholy
- unimportant
- unite
- united
- universe
- unkind
- unleavened
- unleavened bread
- upper
- upright
- upset
- Urim
- Urim and Thummim
- urine
- useless
- Uz
- value
- values
- vassal
- veil
- vengeance
- verse
- victory
- vine
- vinegar
- vineyard
- violence
- virgin
- vision
- voice
- vomit
- vow
- vulture
- vultures
- wages
- wagon
- walk in his ways
- walled
- war
- war-cart
- warn
- warning
- waste
- watch
- watchman
- watchmen
- waterfall
- wave
- waves
- wax
- weapon
- weapons
- wear out
- weaver
- web
- wedding
- well
- wheat
- wheel
- wheels
- whip
- whirlwind
- whisper
- whistle
- wicked
- widow
- wild-country
- wilderness
- will
- willing
- willow
- wine
- winepress
- wineskin
- wing
- wings
- wink
- winnow
- wisdom
- wise
- wish
- witness
- wizard
- wolf
- wolves
- womb
- wonder
- wonderful
- wooden
- wool
- woollen
- Word of God
- word of the LORD
- work
- world
- worldly
- worm
- worms
- wormwood
- worry
- worship
- worthless
- wound
- wounds
- wrath