Chapter 7
7:1 What must you not do? What might be the reason why it is wise not to do that?
7:2 In what way will God make a judgement about you? By what rules will God measure you? What do you think about that? What will you do because you know that?
7:3, 4 What is the problem? Make some other examples with
7:5 What is the problem? What does the text say that you should do? What is the meaning of that
7:6 Put this
7:7 What should you do? How long should you do it? What will result? What do you think about that?
7:8 What will happen? To whom will it happen? What will you do about that?
7:9, 10 What must you suppose here? What would you do if those things happened? What is the meaning of the
7:11 What do you learn about how someone gives gifts? What is the difference between people and the ‘
7:12 What should you always do? How will you know that you have done that? Where can you learn more about these ideas?
7:13 What can you choose to do? What do most people do? What is the problem with that?
7:14 What do few people find? What might be the reason why that is so? What will you do about this?
7:15 Why must you be cautious? What might happen if you are not cautious? Who are these people?
7:16 How can you recognise these people? What will you look for? Why is that?
7:17, 18 What does this
7:19 What will happen to trees that do not produce good fruit? What do you think about that?
7:20 What can you recognise? What is similar between a tree’s fruit and what people do?
7:21 What do you learn about people? What do you learn about God’s
7:22 What will happen ‘on that day’? What will people say that they did? What do you think about those things?
7:23 What will Jesus reply? What do you think about that? How could that happen? What will you do because you know that?
7:24 Who will listen to Jesus? What are those people like?
7:25 What happened to the house? What might be the meaning of this
7:26 What do you learn about ‘other people’? What are those people like? What do you think about that?
7:27 What happened to this house? Why did that happen? What do you think that this
7:28-29 So, what had happened? What did people notice? What was so different about what Jesus taught? What do you think about that?