Chapter 3
3:1 What happened? When did it happen? Where did it happen?
3:2 About what did John teach? What do you learn about God?
3:3 What had Isaiah said that John would do? What do you think about that?
3:4 What do you learn about John’s clothes? What do you learn about what John ate?
3:5 Where did people come from, to see John?
3:6 What did the people do? What did John do when they did that?
3:7 Who came to where John was
3:8 What should those people do? What do you think about that?
3:9 Why should people not decide their own value from who their
3:10 This is
3:11 What do you learn about how John
3:12 John used
3:13 What did Jesus do? What did he want John to do? Where did these things happen?
3:14 What happened? Why did John try to refuse what Jesus wanted? What do you think about that?
3:15 What happened? What would ‘carry out God’s good plan’? What do you think about all that?
3:16 What did John do? What did Jesus do? What else happened? What do you think about all that?
3:17 What happened? What do you think about that?