Chapter 24

4:1-2, 3-8, 9-14, 15-22, 23-28, 29-31, 32-35, 36-44, 45-51 Discuss these events with some young people. Discuss with them what Jesus taught here. Develop some dramatic stories with them about those events and things. Help them to act those stories in their neighbourhood.

Help the young people to make pictures that show these events.

24:1 Make a list of the facts. Where were Jesus and the disciples? What did the disciples want Jesus to notice?

24:2 What was the present situation? What will be the final state? How will that happen?

24:3 What happened on the ‘ Mount of Olives’? Make a list of the questions. What was it that the disciples wanted to know about? Look also at 24:1, 2.

24:4 What happened? What should the disciples do? What might be the reason why Jesus warned them like that?

24:5 What will happen? Who will men say that they themselves are? What reaction will ‘many people’ have? What do you think about that?

24:6 What will the disciples hear? What should they do? What should they understand? What do you think about all that?

24:7 What will happen? Who will fight? What other events will happen? What do you think about that?

24:8 Of what does this remind you? What does Jesus mean? What do you think about all that?

24:9 Make a list of the things that will happen to Jesus’ disciples. Look also at 24:3. What do you think about what will happen? What examples might you have heard about?

24:10 What will happen ‘at that time’? What will many people do? What will be the result? What do you think about all that?

24:11 What will ‘false teachers’ tell you? What will they ‘make many people think’? What do you think about all that?

24:12 What will happen? What do you think about all that?

24:13 What will God do? What do you think about that?

24:14 What will disciples do? Whom will they tell? What ‘will come’?

24:15 What did Jesus speak about? What did Daniel describe? Where would it be?

24:16 To whom did Jesus speak? What should they do? When should they do that?

24:17 What is Jesus warning about? What might be the reason why he said that?

24:18 What is Jesus warning about? What should people do?

24:19 For whom will it ‘be terrible’? What might be the reason why that is so?

24:20 What should the disciples pray? What might be the reason why Jesus mentioned those two examples? Why might you want to pray those prayers?

24:21 What will happen to ‘people’? How will they compare it with what has happened to them previously? What can they expect after that?

24:22 If God did not act, what would happen? What has God done? Why has he done that? What do you think about all that?

24:23 Make a list of the things that might happen. What might a disciple think if that happened to him? What does Jesus say that the disciple should do? What do you think about all that?

24:24 Who will come? Make a list of the things that they will do. How might you recognise those people? What will you do because you know all that?

24:25 What should you do? What has Jesus done to help you? What do you think about that?

24:26 What might ‘someone’ tell ‘you’? What should a disciple do? What will you do?

24:27 What does Jesus describe? What will be ‘like that’? What do you think about that?

24:28 Make a list of the facts. What might this picture language mean?

24:29 When will these events happen? What will people notice?

24:30 What will people see ‘in the sky’? Who will ‘be sad’ then, so that they weep? Whom will they see? What will they notice about him?

24:31 What will he do? What will his servants do? What will happen to ‘the people that he has chosen’?

24:32 From what object can you learn? For what do you look? What do you learn from that?

24:33 What will be similar? Look also at 24:29-31. Who is in control? What do you think about that?

24:34 Express this in your own words. What should you expect?

24:35 What will happen? What will not happen? What do you think about that?

24:36 What does no person know? Who else does not know this? Who does know it? What exactly is it that he alone knows? Look also at 24:30-31.

24:37 What should you remember? What will ‘be like’ that?

24:38 Make a list of the things that people were doing ‘before the flood’? Until what time did they do these things?

24:39 What did people not know? What happened? What will be ‘like’ that?

24:40 What will ‘two men’ be doing? What will happen?

24:41 What will ‘two women’ be doing? What will happen?

24:42 What should your state ‘always’ be? What do ‘you’ not know?

24:43 What should you ‘understand’? What should you ‘suppose’? What might this picture language mean?

24:44 What must ‘you’ do? Why is that?

24:45 About whom should you think? What is his responsibility? What should he do?

24:46 Who will return? What will be the judgement? What do you think about that?

24:47 What is Jesus telling to ‘you’? What will the master do?

24:48 What should you suppose? Why might that happen?

24:49 How should you suppose that this man behaved? What people do you know that might behave like that?

24:50 When will ‘the master’ come? What will certainly happen? What does ‘the servant’ not know?

24:51 Where will the master send him? Why would he do that? What will ‘they’ do in that place?