Luke 5:27‑32

Jesus calls the tax-collector, Matthew (Levi)

About the next group of questions

In Jesus’ time, tax-collectors took more money from people than they needed to. They became rich and so people hated them. When Jesus met a tax-collector, the man’s way of life changed completely. But other people were not pleased about this.


Ask God to teach you from today’s study.

Read: Luke 5:27-32

5:27 Who was sitting in the tax office? What did Jesus say to him?

5:28 What did Levi do when Jesus asked Levi to follow him?

5:29 What did Levi do for his friends?

5:30 Who did not like what Jesus did? What did they say that Jesus was doing wrong? To whom did they speak?

5:31 Who needs a doctor?

5:32 Whose lives did Jesus come to change?

Final remarks

Jesus was glad when people changed their behaviour. He was glad when they shared their joy with other people. He wanted everybody to change their behaviour. He wanted everybody to allow him to forgive them. Levi had told his friends about Jesus and he wanted them to know Jesus. We too can tell other people about what we have found in Jesus. But some people think a lot about themselves. People like that do not understand what we are doing for Jesus. Jesus shows his love to us even when we have done a lot of wrong things. He wants us to change our attitude and behaviour. And he wants us to follow him.


Lord, how I thank you that you have forgiven my many sins. Help me never to speak against the way that other people serve you. Help me to pray for them instead. Amen.