Luke 20:9‑19

The story about the workers in the vineyard

About the next group of questions

The teachers of the law and chief priests and Pharisees refused to accept Jesus from the beginning. They refused to believe that he was God’s Son. They would not listen to what he said. Jesus told this story to show them what would happen to them as a result.


Ask God to help you to learn the lessons from this story.

Read: Luke 20:9-19

20:9 Why did the owner leave the tenants and go away for a long time?

20:10 What happened after the harvest time?

20:12-13 Why did he finally send his son, whom he loved, to the tenants?

20:13 What did the teachers of the law, Pharisees and chief priests realise and fear about Jesus?

20:14 Why did the tenants kill the son?

20:16 What did the owner do to the tenants who murdered his son? What did the people say when they heard this story?

20:17 What happens to the stone that the builders laid aside?

20:18 What will happen to those who fall against the stone?

20:19 What did the teachers of the law and chief priests want to do to Jesus? Why did they not arrest Jesus at that time?

Final remarks

Jesus was not afraid of the religious leaders. He knew from the beginning that they did not love God. And he knew that they hated him. They wanted to kill him. But they could not kill him because they were afraid. They were afraid that the people would cause trouble. Jesus had God’s protection all the time. And Jesus was in control of his life. There will be punishment for those who hate God. And there will be punishment for those who do not accept him. Jesus knew all that.


Dear Father God, I do believe that Jesus is your Son. I trust him for forgiveness. Help me to serve you well. Amen.