Psalm 63:1-11

A morning song

63:1See 1 Samuel 23-24; 2 Samuel 15:23. David was in a difficult place, far away from the temple in Jerusalem. He still wanted to know that God was near to him.

1 God, you are my God.

I want to be near to you.

I need you to give me life,

like a thirsty person in a dry desert.

As a person needs water to live,

that is how I need you.

63:1As our bodies need food and drink so that we can live, we also need God to give us spiritual life.

2 When I have gone into your temple,

I have seen what you are like.

I have seen your great power and your glory.

3 Your faithful love for me is better than life itself.

So I will speak out to praise you.

4 Yes, I will thank you for as long as I live.

I will lift up my hands and I will pray to you.

5 You make me very happy,

better than a feast of good food.

I will sing happy songs to praise you.

6 When I lie on my bed,

I think about you all through the night.

7 You are the one who keeps me safe,

like a bird protects its babies under its wings.

So I sing happy songs.

8 I keep very near to you

and your strong right hand keeps me safe.

9 My enemies are trying to kill me,

but I know that they themselves will die.

They will go down into the deep hole of death.

10 Soldiers will kill them with swords.

Wild dogs will eat their dead bodies.

11 But the king will sing songs to praise God.

63:11David is probably talking about himself here, as king.

Everybody who promises to serve God

will speak aloud to praise him.

But everyone who tells lies

will not be able to say anything!