Psalm 38

David wrote this song to ask God not to forget him.

Lord, please remember me

38:1David asks God to keep him safe from his enemies. David knows that he has done bad things. He tells God that he is sorry. He asks God to forgive him and not to turn away from him.

1 Lord, when you are angry,

please do not punish me.

2 You have shot your arrows deep into me.

Your hand has pushed me down to the ground.

38:2David said that God was like a soldier who was shooting arrows at him. He was causing David to have pain.

3 Your punishment has made my whole body ill.

My health has gone, because of my sin.

4 My sin is too much for me!

It is like a heavy weight,

that I cannot carry.

5 My wounds make a bad smell,

and they get worse.

This is because I have done stupid things.

6 My body is bent down to the ground.

Every day I weep because I am so sad.

7 My body is hot with fever.

38:7If someone has a fever, illness has made their body become very hot.

I am very ill.

8 The pain has made me tired and weak.

I am so upset that I cry aloud.

9 My Lord, you already know what I want most.

You hear me when I cry with pain.

10 My heart beats very fast,

and my strength is leaving me.

Even my eyes can no longer see properly.

11 My family and my friends stay away from me,

because of my illness.

They do not come near to me.

12 My enemies prepare traps,

because they want to kill me.

They talk about ways to destroy me.

They want to hurt me,

so they talk about that all through the day.

13 But I am like a deaf man who hears nothing.

I am like a dumb man who says nothing.

14 So I live like a man who cannot hear what people say.

I refuse to argue against them.

15 Yes, Lord, I wait for you to help me!

I believe that you will answer me, my Lord and my God.

16 I have prayed that my enemies will not laugh at me.

If I slip and fall down,

they will be very happy!

17 I will soon fall down to the ground.

I have nothing but pain all the time.

18 But I agree that I have done wrong things.

I am sorry about my sins.

19 I have many enemies and they are strong.

They have no reason to hate me.

20 When I do good things,

they do evil things to me in return!

I try to do what is right,

but they turn against me.

21 Lord, please do not leave me alone.

Do not stay far away from me, my God!

22 My Lord, you are the one who can save me,

so come quickly to help me!