Psalm 37:1-40

Trust the Lord

37:1Psalm 37 is an alphabet psalm. Verse 1 begins with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, verse 3 with the second letter, and so on.

1 Do not become upset

because of what wicked people do.

Do not be jealous of people that do bad things.

2 Remember that they are soon gone!

They are like grass that quickly becomes dry.

They will soon die like green plants in hot weather.

3 Trust in the Lord and do good things.

Then you will live safely in the land.

4 Be happy that the Lord is your friend.

He will give you what you most want.

5 Let the Lord be your guide into the future.

Trust in him and he will help you.

6 He will show everyone that you are righteous.

People will know that you are a good person,

as clearly as the sun shines at noon.

7 Be patient as you wait for the Lord to help you.

Trust him to bring help.

Do not become upset when bad people seem to do well,

when their wicked ideas really happen.

8 Do not become angry or upset!

It will only bring trouble for you.

9 Wicked people will disappear one day!

But people who trust the Lord for help

will live safely in the land that he has given to them.

10 Evil people will soon be gone.

You may look for them,

but you will not find them.

11 Humble people will live safely in the land.

They will live in peace and they will enjoy good things.

12 Wicked people think about how to hurt righteous people.

They show their teeth to frighten good people.

13 But my Lord laughs at those wicked people,

because he knows that their day of punishment will come.

14 Wicked people get out their swords,

and they prepare to shoot their arrows.

They try to make poor and helpless people fall down.

They try to destroy people who do what is right.

15 But their swords will go into their own hearts.

Their bows will break in pieces.

16 It is better to do what is right and only have a few things,

than to be wicked and have many things.

17 The Lord keeps righteous people safe,

but he will destroy the power of wicked people.

18 If anyone lives a completely good life,

the Lord takes care of them.

His gifts to them will last for ever.

19 When times of trouble come,

they will still be safe.

In a time of famine,

they will have enough to eat.

20 But wicked people will die.

They are the Lord's enemies.

They will disappear like smoke from a fire that burns them up.

21 If you lend money to a wicked person,

he will not give it back to you.

But righteous people are kind to others

and they give things freely.

22 Yes, people that the Lord blesses

will live safely in the land.

But people that he has cursed

will disappear.

23 If the way that somebody lives pleases the Lord,

the Lord will lead him into good things.

24 Even if that person trips, he will not fall.

The Lord will hold his hand.

25 I was young once and now I am old.

But in all my life, I have never seen any good man that God has left alone.

I have not seen his children so hungry

that they ask people for food.

26 Good people are always kind.

They lend things to other people.

Their children also bring God's blessing.

27 Turn away from evil things!

Do what is right!

Then you will live safely in the land for ever.

28 The Lord loves justice.

He will never leave those who serve him.

He will take care of them for ever,

but he will remove the children of wicked people.

29 God's righteous people will take the land for themselves.

They will live there for ever.

30 Righteous people speak wise words.

What they say brings justice.

31 They think about God's Law all the time,

so that they do not make mistakes.

32 Evil people wait for a chance to kill righteous people.

33 But the Lord will not leave his righteous people,

so that their enemies have power over them.

When evil people accuse them,

the Lord will show that they are not guilty.

34 Be patient and continue to trust the Lord.

Obey his commands.

Then he will give you honour,

so that you live safely in the land.

You will see that the Lord destroys wicked people.

35 I have seen cruel, wicked people become very powerful,

like trees that grow well in good soil.

36 But soon after that,

I see that they have disappeared!

I looked for them,

but I could not find them anywhere.

37 Think about people who are honest

and who do what is right.

Those who help people to live in peace

will live to enjoy their children.

38 But God will destroy people that turn against him.

Evil people will not have descendants.

39 The Lord will make righteous people safe.

He will take care of them in times of trouble.

40 The Lord helps them.

He saves them from wicked people.

He keeps them safe

because they turn to him for help.