Psalm 24
This is a song that David wrote.
The great King
24:1Jerusalem was a very old city, even when David was king there. David brought the Covenant Box into Jerusalem. See 2 Samuel 6:12-17. 1 The whole earth belongs to the Lord.
Everybody who lives in the world
and all the things in it belong to him.
2 The Lord built the foundation of the earth.
He built it on the seas and the rivers.
24:2God made everything. First he made the seas. Then he made the dry land. He made the dry land become separate from the water of the seas and the rivers.
3 Who may climb up the hill of the Lord?
24:3The hill of the Lord is Mount Zion. After David died, King Solomon built God's temple on this hill in Jerusalem.
Who can stand in his holy place?
24:3God's holy place was in the tent where the Covenant Box was. Later, it was in the temple.
4 Only the person who does what is right,
and who has pure thoughts.
He does not worship idols
and he does not make false promises.
5 The Lord will bless people who are like that.
God will save them.
He will say that they are not guilty of wrong things.
6 People like that come to God.
They want to please him.
They like to pray to the God of Jacob.
7 Old gates of the city, wake up!
Open now, to leave a wide path!
Then the great king will come in.
8 Who is this great king?
He is the Lord,
who is strong and powerful.
He is the Lord,
who wins against his enemies.
9 Be ready, you old gates of the city!
Be ready to open wide!
Then the great king will come in.
10 Who is this great king?
He is the Almighty Lord.
Yes, he is the great king!