Psalm 118:1-29

God is good, so thank him

118:1Verses 1-4 tell everybody to thank the Lord, because he is good. Verses 5-7 tell us what God did to send help to Israel. In verses 8-9, the psalm teaches us that we can trust the Lord more than people. In verses 10-13, we read that the enemy was attacking Israel. Verses 14-18 tell us that we should be happy when God helps us. He has the power and authority to help us when we have troubles. Verses 21-24 again tell us what God has done. He has rescued his people.

1 Thank the Lord, because he is good.

His faithful love will always be with us.

2 Israel's people must now say,

‘His faithful love will always be with us.’

3 Aaron's family, the priests, must now say,

‘His faithful love will always be with us.’

4 Everyone who serves the Lord must now say,

‘His faithful love will always be with us.’

5 I was in trouble,

so I called to the Lord to help me.

The Lord answered me

and he made me free.

6 The Lord is there to help me,

so I will not be afraid.

What can any person do to hurt me?

7 The Lord is with me as my helper.

As for those people who hate me,

I will win against them.

8 It is better to go to the Lord to keep you safe,

than to trust in people.

9 It is better to trust the Lord to keep you safe,

than to trust even in important people.

10 All the nations were ready to attack me,

but I turned them away

by the power of the Lord.

11 Yes, they were all round me, ready to attack,

but I won against them

in the name of the Lord.

12 They were all round me like a cloud of bees!

But they were like a fire in a thorn bush

that burns quickly and has soon gone.

I turned them away

by the power of the Lord.

13 My enemies attacked me

and they tried to knock me down!

But the Lord helped me.

14 The Lord makes me strong

and he takes care of me.

He is the one who keeps me safe.

15 Listen to the happy shouts of God's people in their tents!

They have won against their enemies,

because the Lord has power to do great things.

16 Yes, the Lord has lifted up his strong right hand.

He has the strength to win the battle!

17 I will not die. Instead, I will live.

I will tell everyone what the Lord has done.

18 The Lord has punished me very much,

but he has not let me die.

19 Open the gates of the temple!

I will go in there,

and I will thank the Lord.

20 This is the Lord's gate.

Righteous people can go in through it.

21 I will thank you, Lord,

because you answered my prayer.

You have rescued me.

22 The builders threw away a certain stone.

But now that stone has become the most important stone

at the corner of the building.

23 The Lord has done this.

And we can see that it is wonderful!

24 This is the day that the Lord has done a great thing.

We will be very happy today!

25 Lord, please save us now!

Lord, please help us to do well!

26 May the Lord bless the man who comes with his authority!

We praise you from here,

in the house of the Lord.

27 The Lord is our God.

He has caused his light to shine on us.

Make a happy festival!

Take branches in your hands,

and go to offer a sacrifice on the altar.

28 You are my God,

and I will thank you.

You are my God,

and I will say how great you are.

29 Thank the Lord, because he is good.

His faithful love will always be with us.