Numbers 29:1-6
The Festival of Trumpets
1 On the first day of the seventh month, all the people must come together for a holy meeting. You must not work at your jobs. It is a day for you to make music with your trumpets. 2 And you must offer a burnt offering to the Lord. You must give one young bull and one male sheep. Also offer seven lambs that are one year old. The animals must not have anything wrong with them. The smell of the smoke from these sacrifices will cause the Lord to be happy. 3 Offer to me the proper grain offering with each animal. Mix together 3 kilograms of the best flour with olive oil. Offer it to me with the young bull. Offer 2 kilograms of flour with oil with the male sheep. 4 Offer 1 kilogram of flour with each lamb. 5 Also offer one male goat as a sin offering, so that I will forgive the people's sins. 6 Offer these sacrifices as well as the burnt offering, grain offerings and drink offerings that you give each month and each day. The smell of the smoke from these sacrifices will cause the Lord to be happy.