John 13:1-20

Jesus washes his disciples' feet

1 It was nearly time for the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that he would soon leave this world and to go to the Father. He had always loved those who were his own people in the world. He continued to love them to the end.

2 Jesus and his disciples were eating supper. The Devil had already put an idea into the mind of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son. The idea was to sell Jesus to his enemies. 3 Jesus knew that the Father had given him power over everything. He knew that he had come from God. And he knew that he would soon return to God. 4 So, during the meal, he stood up. He took off the coat that he wore over his other clothes. He tied a piece of cloth round himself. 5 Then he poured water into a bowl and he began to wash the disciples' feet. Jesus made their feet dry with the cloth that was round him.

6 Jesus came to Simon Peter. Peter asked him, ‘Lord, will you really wash my feet?’ 7 Jesus answered him, ‘You do not understand now what I am doing. But you will understand in the future.’ 8 Peter said, ‘No! You will never wash my feet!’ Jesus answered, ‘If I do not wash you, you do not belong with me.’ 9 Simon Peter replied, ‘So Lord, do not wash my feet only! Wash my hands and my head too!’ 10 Jesus said, ‘A person who has washed his whole body is completely clean. He needs only to wash his feet. And all of you are clean, except one of you.’ 11 Jesus knew already who would sell him to his enemies. That is why he said, ‘Not every one of you is clean.’

12 When he had finished washing the disciples' feet, Jesus put on his coat. He returned to his place at the meal. He asked them, ‘I want you to understand what I have just done for you. 13 You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right. That is what I am. 14 I am your Teacher and your Lord, but I have washed your feet. So you also should wash each other's feet. 15 I have given you an example. You should do the same for others as I have done for you. 16 I tell you this: No servant is more important than his master is. No messenger is more important than the person who sent him with a message. 17 Now you understand these things. So you should do them, and God will bless you.’

18 Jesus then said, ‘I am not talking about all of you. I know the people that I have chosen. The Bible says, “Someone who ate food with me has turned against me.” 19 I am telling you this now, before it happens. So then, when it does happen, you will believe me. You will believe that “I am who I am”. 20 I tell you this: Anyone who accepts someone that I send to them is also accepting me. Anyone who accepts me is also accepting my Father God who sent me.’

13:18See Psalm 41:9.
13:19The Jews used ‘I am’ as the name of God. When Jesus said, ‘I am,’ they would have recognized this name. He was saying that he is God.