Jeremiah 17:12-18

Jeremiah's prayer

12 Lord, your beautiful throne is high above.

You have ruled there from the beginning.

That is where we worship you.

17:12This may be speaking about the temple in Jerusalem which was on a high hill, Mount Zion.

13 You are the one that the Israelites hope in.

Everyone who turns away from you will be ashamed.

They will disappear,

as if their names are written in the dust.

Lord, you give life to your people,

like a spring of fresh water.

But they have turned against you.

14 Lord, please make me well again.

Then I will be completely well.

Rescue me so that I am completely safe.

You are the one that I praise!

15 People are asking me questions.

They say, ‘Nothing has happened to us yet!

When will the Lord's message become true?’

16 Lord, I have not stopped taking care of your people.

I have never asked you to destroy them on one final day.

You know that,

and you know everything that I have said.

17 Please do not make me afraid!

When I am in trouble,

I run to you to be safe.

18 Please bring shame on those who want to hurt me.

Do not make me ashamed.

Make those people afraid,

but do not make me afraid.

Destroy them with a time of great trouble.

Punish them completely!